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Photos deleted are now up for sale as RF!

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I deleted photos before they were put on sale because I was debating whether to sell them as RM or not sell at all.  Now they  are up for sale as ROYALTY FREE!  Please remove these photos immediately!  I may put them up later but definitely NOT as RF.  I don't want to wait 180 days!  Please take them down.

Enrique Mendez


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22 minutes ago, Wawa said:

I deleted photos before they were put on sale because I was debating whether to sell them as RM or not sell at all.  Now they  are up for sale as ROYALTY FREE!  Please remove these photos immediately!  I may put them up later but definitely NOT as RF.  I don't want to wait 180 days!  Please take them down.

Enrique Mendez



You will have to e-mail Alamy directly about such matters. Forum posts won't help much.




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Did they not reply? They are usually very good about it. You should initially get an automated response so if that is what you have had you will get a regular response -- maybe not until after the weekend when they get back to work.



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Hi Paulette,

I did speak to someone on phone but they said to call back Monday.  I guess they're closed for the weekend.  I was hoping someone here knew a way around this problem.  It's strange because the images don't show up in the image manager when I try to edit and they don't show up as deleted either, but they are up for sale.  Every photo I've ever submitted shows up in image manager, even the photos that I have deleted previous to this incident. Strange...

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Hi John,

That's part of the problem - I can't.  When I try to edit an image that I DID submit it pops up in image manager and I can edit any information I want.  But when I try and edit one of these images that I deleted, they show up in the image manager but all the fields are "grey out" - meaning I can't change anything.  I deleted them before I ever entered info such as category, RF or RM, editorial or commercial, etc...  There's something wrong with the system which, hopefully, makes it impossible for someone to purchase these images.  I actually hit the "download' button on some of them (did not make a purchase) and a message came up:  " One or more items are either no longer for sale or have restrictions on how they can be used:

Something is out of whack here. 

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I think your mistake was that the images passed QC, is that right? If so, they are forever going to show up in AIM. They will show as deleted, with the tags grayed out. Every image I ever deleted is a part of my AIM portfolio. They will forever be there. I believe someone said you can filter them out so you don’t see them, but they’ll still be there. Since they can’t be purchased, why do you care if they show as RF? 

Obviously you have set your images as automatic RF upon arriving in AIM, then you decide which ones to set as RM. So they arrived in AIM as RF.  If you had changed them to RM before hitting the delete button, they would show as RM, even though the tags are grayed out.

I have mine set to arrive as RM.



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Hi Betty,

Yes they did pass QC, and I have also deleted images before and they also appear in my AIM portfolio marked "deleted".  But these photos were deleted and they do not appear in my AIM at all.  They're on display for everyone to see and (maybe) purchase also.  When I select the images on public display to edit them they appear in AIM like any other image would appear but  with greyed out tags.  If it stays that way until I can speak to someone that's fine but I'm not sure it will.  You can select it, hit download and then you get:   One or more items are either no longer for sale or have restrictions on how they can be used.  They may be up for sale, they may not...   I've hardly sold any images but I just feel like Murphy's Law is just around the corner.  I only have about 200 images, I'll relax when I have a couple of million.  Someone posted another topic titled "AIM is down".  Maybe this is related to that.  Anyway, thanks.

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My best guess is that you might have been caught between various server updates. Perhaps you deleted the images just when they were about to go online.


You say that the images say "One or more items are either no longer for sale or ...". This suggests to me that the problem could be solved after a server update or two. If this is not the case, you'll need Alamy to get rid of the ghost images.



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It seems to be taking longer than usual for Alamy's "overnight" database updates to complete at the moment resulting in inconsistent results the next day until everything catches up and gets back in sync. You may want to give it another day.



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As far as I know, once you "Delete" an image you can no longer edit it,  but it will continue to be searchable for some time. That's why some people remove keywords and captions before deleting. (Not recommended by Alamy)


Nobody on this forum can help you since it seems to require system privileges contributors don't have. You'll have ask CR to do it for you. In the future I'd suggest carefully checking your submissions and avoid uploading images unless you're certain you want to license them.

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23 minutes ago, fotoDogue said:

As far as I know, once you "Delete" an image you can no longer edit it,  but it will continue to be searchable for some time. That's why some people remove keywords and captions before deleting. (Not recommended by Alamy)


Nobody on this forum can help you since it seems to require system privileges contributors don't have. You'll have ask CR to do it for you. In the future I'd suggest carefully checking your submissions and avoid uploading images unless you're certain you want to license them.


If you delete the images after annotating, but before they go on sale - they usually never go on sale. But you may be so late that the server updating is in progress.

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44 minutes ago, Niels Quist said:


If you delete the images after annotating, but before they go on sale - they usually never go on sale. But you may be so late that the server updating is in progress.


My own observation in the past is that there seems to be a cut-off at midnight UK time. I've noticed on a few occasions that images I keyword before midnight make it live the next day but images that  I am still keywording a few minutes after midnight have to wait for the next day.

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