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Scanning colour negatives

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I have some medium format colour negative landscapes I shot around Manchester 30 years ago. I have a high quality macro lens on a Nikon D750. if I shoot the negs and process in Lightroom will this give acceptable results for submitting here ?

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34 minutes ago, Marb said:

I have some medium format colour negative landscapes I shot around Manchester 30 years ago. I have a high quality macro lens on a Nikon D750. if I shoot the negs and process in Lightroom will this give acceptable results for submitting here ?



Yes, I have done this without any problems using a Nikon D700, 1:1 macro lens, light box and copy stand..... colour negs are a bit tricky but easier than slides.....


building site of the secret garden inn kuta bali indonesia - Stock Image

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Used an old Epson flatbed to scan a fair bit of medium format tranny for my first submission back in June 2003.

From memory, it took ages to dust spot everything to a good standard, and I expect you'll find the same however you end up producing the digital file ...


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Go for it. Medium format is more than capable of passing QC, providing, as others have stated, that you spot carefully. I have quite a few here on Alamy and I still shoot this medium for stock. It does sell.


i scan with either a dedicated MF scanner, but also use a digital camera. Either work well. 


My tips would be to carefully prepare old negs with (say) Pec 12 solvent and wipes first to remove any debris, then scan at the highest resolution and downsize to obtain maximum sharpness. 


Hope this helps. Good luck in your endeavours.


Shot 1985, recently sold for a good price



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I think I will go for using my d750 as archive with a 100 Tokina mm macro and use the ipad lightbox app. I do have a lot of 35mm archive of 60’s colour, some royal family so may invest in a decent lightbox. Thanks for all your suggestions.

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If you have thousands rather than dozens a second- hand Illumitran will speed things up a lot. I had to do a bit of customising but you can make neg carriers out of card. An enlarging lens on the bellows for 35 and just the standard short zoom for 6x6.

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Can't imagine who told you that but no.

I got permission on the strength of a a sample of 22 and I have 136 archive images here.

Just give them a sample of things which aren't there anymore and don't stretch a point. An image isn't archive just because it's old. Landscape doesn't change much- unless it has, of course. 80s Manchester presumably looks a bit different. That's why mine of London have sold- no skyscrapers to speak of.

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