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One of the things sadly missed from the old forum is the huge amount of advice it contained on various topics including DACS.



For the first time I am making a DACS claim and have run into an apparent brick wall with the magazine section.

In particular I am unable to provide chapter and verse about which magazine and when.

The form will not allow me to save or send without the details.


I sure others have faced this problem; so, please, how do I get around the problem?


Any help gratefully received.



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You do need examples of magazine use picked up from the 'have you found any Alamy images' thread.

However an alternative is your net revenue statement from Alamy for last year. For RM sales the licence details may be detailed enough. For example 'UK, magazine, print' is enough.

I was asked to put 'Alamy claim 2013' in the various fields, submit and then email the spreadsheet of my net revenue.

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The advice I have posted on the old forum is what has worked for me in the past - and this was based on advice direct from DACS re Alamy. I've claimed for the past 4 or 5 years and each time I've entered the following for the Alamy section:


Under ISSN / ISBN / Bar code I enter '00000 00000'

Under Title I enter 'Alamy'

Under Issue number / cover date I will enter (for this year's claim) '2012'.


Now, I get paranoid every year and after reading other posts, I may well add my Alamy statement, just to be sure although I'd emphasise that no claim I've made using this method has ever been rejected. 


You may also claim for UK-originated books translated into Dutch under a reciprocal Dutch scheme which will be interesting this year. 


Hope that helps,


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As I am in the process of doing this myself and found the same problem. I rang and spoke to them this morning and their advise was to enter "Alamy claim" in the validation boxes and back it up with a copy of your alamy sales history emailed to payback@dacs.org.uk. This is the procedure I'll follow but I think I'll also incorporate Richards solution.

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Related Question(s):


For magazines where specific uses are known, any advice how to find ISBN numbers for back editions? (Books are easier) Can I also use "0000 0000" and just include the title and date of publication?


Also, where licenses are listed as "Worldwide" would they be eligible to be claimed as 'published un UK'? I am guessing not, but anyone have experience with this?




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Here it is in a nutshell, Charly.


I'm not sure if there's a US version though you do have libraries (ours is a Carnegie) and there are artists/creators whose work appears in books held in them, so maybe there's a similar scheme for recouping royalties from a loan library system.





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Is this a European thing? I've never heard of DACS or know what it is.... Forgive my ignorance. 


Not European, it's a UK scheme, but if you have had images published in UK magazines or books then you can claim, regardless of where you live.  See Richard's link above.


PS - doesn't apply to newspaper sales.

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When registering for DACS account has anyone ticked the box "I wish to join DACS as a Payback Member"?



Yes I did. Not sure what the ramifications of ticking/not ticking are to be honest.

Well done !!!!!


I do hope that you are one of many who have signed up to pay your DACS money over to elderly photographic pensioners whose name begins with the letter 'D'........as in "give David All Cash Sums...."


Regards - DavidC

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Thanks for the link and replies. Though not sure how to figure out if any of my sales from other sites were published in the UK. 

That's OK Charly - just let us know when the mighty USofA sets up a similar scheme for images published in their country and pays out the proceeds to anyone, anywhere who cares to claim - mind you I won't be holding my breath - I think that Denmark is the only country running a reciprocal  scheme for UK citizens.......


.....and Jools that applies to you in France, I'm sure that the French would love to create a similar scheme open to the Brits....Non !

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