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I know the feeling :)


I put my own personal experience of low CTR's, keywording, image quality in terms of need, down to lack of experience in knowing what will sell, or making time to take those pictures everyone seems to want.


I quite regularly see a CTR of 0.0x% most days and weeks. Could be market trends? or times of the year. Some pics will do well and other times of the year they won't budge.


My set it quite localized to the Glasgow area in Scotland, so I'm even more narrowed down than most

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Paulstw, some of your keywording is rather general. If there's a tall ship, it should be in your essentials, for example. Not many pix should have identical keywords. You also have a lot of similars, which hurts rank.

I was guilty of it earlier on. Oddly though some of those sell fairly well, but it could just be that they've been around for a while.

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Paulstw, some of your keywording is rather general. If there's a tall ship, it should be in your essentials, for example. Not many pix should have identical keywords. You also have a lot of similars, which hurts rank.

I was guilty of it earlier on. Oddly though some of those sell fairly well, but it could just be that they've been around for a while.

Hey Mark,


Thanks for taking the time to look into that. I appreciate it. I think time has been my enemy of late, and I've been guilty of batch processing a set.

I'll certainly clean it up


Thanks again.

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I'm quite worried too. So far this month just 1 zoom. I suppose the stats. are working OK? The trouble is, as I said in another thread, the average contributor would be getting about  5 zooms for every thousand images using the current "all of alamy" CTR.  So, for those of us with smaller collections, the stats would be expected to fluctuate a bit. I tuned my keywording fairly carefully to keep my CTR high (before the new layout it averaged well above the Alamy average). I have three sales so far this month so I'm still selling but since nearly all my sales come from zoomed images I'm quite concerned about the future. I'm really having trouble understanding the stats. since the creative tab was introduced. I think the competition in UK based travel/places etc is pretty well saturated. I couldn't believe when I spotted that a few other forum members (these are just forum members nevermind the thousands of other Alamy photographers  )have travelled to the exact same places as me on recent trips. One has actually takien a picture in the same cafe I visited featuring the same waitress who served me. :D

My recent zooms seem to be more directed towards table-top set up stuff or plants/animals. Images or subjects that I thought were unique a few years back are no longer so.

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I don't think your low CTR is necessarily because of anything you're doing wrong, more because of the recent layout changes. My CTR was well above Alamy average before the changes, and has hovered just below average ever since. It doesn't seem to have affected the placing of my images in search results, though.

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While keywording and metadata can always be improved upon, I wouldn't take this personally. I've had CTR's of almost zero and screens full of sales. Indeed, my zooms and sales are almost completely unrelated. I suggest you keep your nose to the grindstone and let the ups and downs work themselves out.

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My zooms are way down this month.


Most of my work is around California and I think its down to the loss of the Huffington post. Anyone else in the same boat?


Maybe check your net rev; HuffPost just coming in. (4x so far)



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My zooms are way down this month.


Most of my work is around California and I think its down to the loss of the Huffington post. Anyone else in the same boat?


Maybe check your net rev; HuffPost just coming in. (4x so far)



I thought we had lost the Huffpost contract. Do I have this wrong or is this old sales coming in?

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I don't think your low CTR is necessarily because of anything you're doing wrong, more because of the recent layout changes. My CTR was well above Alamy average before the changes, and has hovered just below average ever since. It doesn't seem to have affected the placing of my images in search results, though.

Put more succinctly than my waffle. That's what I meant to say - just got bogged down in my own worries. :D

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My zooms are way down this month.


Most of my work is around California and I think its down to the loss of the Huffington post. Anyone else in the same boat?


Maybe check your net rev; HuffPost just coming in. (4x so far)



I thought we had lost the Huffpost contract. Do I have this wrong or is this old sales coming in?


I have never seen sales older than 1 month been reported from HP. They are very accurate. Unlike most British newspapers, which "forget" to report quite a bit. Maybe there's a question for the CEO here.

So I'm guessing the HP's are from last month or the current month. I'm unable to find any. (BD38E3 or AM5KNA or BCXCPE or CTJ4JM - if you want to have a go.)



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Paul, you have just 221 images and have been on Alamy for . . . how long? You're a little premature worrying about your CRT. 


You shoot very well and you seem to understand what subjects to choose . . . but . . . your key wording is terrible and you have too many pointless similars.


You have a number of images of racehorses, but your lead keyword is "horses." That groups your racehorses into a much larger group of horses that include those big burley animals that pull beer wagons as well as countless others. Understand? If you were a picture buyer looking for a racehorse, would you want to go through Alamy's 142,015 horses or their 2,493 racehorses? 


The stock photo business is slow moving. My suggestion is that in the next six months or more you concentrate on building your collection and researching what others are doing with their keywords. And try to keep the similars down to about three. 


Good luck

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Note: my HuffPost observations turned out to be USA edition only.

Others reporting UK edition still using Alamy. (explains $29 gross vs. $27 gross?)

My $29s today must be April usage USA edition...?


As to CTR, two days ago had (66) zooms = typical week total zooms.

(but need corresponding sales jump to make zooms meaningful)


I got a $29 in net revenue today so I'm guessing HP USA edition too. Maybe they still have a search on Alamy for something they can't get elsewhere?


My previous HP was $27 which was UK edition.

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Some of your similars are almost identical. For example D75CY6 and D75D0T. The latter has the tiger's eyes almost closed and I think that would only work for you if he looked to be nodding off. I would have only uploaded the one that shows the beautiful eyes. Sometimes it is hard to choose when we fall in love with our subjects but it is best for YOU to be deciding which is the best shot. If you have a different view or different pose similars can be OK. I see a number of instances where I think you should have chosen one. Hope that is helpful.




P.S. I love image D71N7N.

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Sale is now showing in summary of items sold and it doesn't look like HP.


My previous $27 sale was US edition for 1 year web use, this $29 one is 3 years web use worldwide (unless a different deal has been struck with HP to try and keep them?)

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