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Top 500 contributors

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I got three "Top 500" emails last year, which was a bit of an eye-opener. However, there would be no way I'd make the grade this year given my slumping sales numbers. It sounds like the 500 club no longer exists, though. Perhaps it never did.

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Thanks guys. As I got a few emails periodically last year congratulating with myself to be among the top 500, I was wondering if I have been excluded lately (despite increasing sales).

Looks like, as John wrote, the club no longer exists.

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Last one I got was January 5th.  Never was clear to me if "the top 500" meant in terms of number of sales, or in terms of dollar receipts.  Anybody know?  I was surprised to make it on either count, since I average only two sales a week.  Over the last year or so Alamy's selling price for me has averaged between $75-80 per image, about three-quarters of those being licensed directly from the Alamy website (hence 50% to me), one-quarter from sub-agents.

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Last one I got was January 5th.  Never was clear to me if "the top 500" meant in terms of number of sales, or in terms of dollar receipts.  Anybody know?  I was surprised to make it on either count, since I average only two sales a week.  Over the last year or so Alamy's selling price for me has averaged between $75-80 per image, about three-quarters of those being licensed directly from the Alamy website (hence 50% to me), one-quarter from sub-agents.


I have a feeling that it is based mainly on revenue (not sure, though). I don't think that I would have gotten those emails last year on strength of sales numbers alone, although 2014 was my best year on Alamy for both number of licenses and revenue. 2015? Well, so far a different story. Still hanging in there, though.

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