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What Do Artists Do All Day? - Albert Watson

Mark Baigent

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Documentary following Albert Watson over the course of a day photographing the barren, beautiful landscape of the Isle of Skye.

Edinburgh-born Albert Watson is one of the world's most successful commercial and fashion photographers. He has lived in the US for over 30 years, where he has photographed more than 100 Vogue covers and created some of the most iconic celebrity images of the 20th century, from Albert Hitchcock to Naomi Campbell.

In recent years he has turned to landscape photography, and in this film he comes back to Scotland for his latest project. Albert reflects on his past work and discusses the challenges of transferring his unique style to landscape photography.





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He's been in New York too long- with three assistants and a white van I could probably get by as well. He doesn't even carry his camera with him.



That was my first thought, then I realised that he is 71 years old.


But it brings a whole new aspect to shooting landscape.... an Audi, a van, medium format digital connected to a laptop, three assistants, fireworks, smoke bomb.


Interesting to watch though.

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He's been in New York too long- with three assistants and a white van I could probably get by as well. He doesn't even carry his camera with him.


That was my first thought, then I realised that he is 71 years old.



I shall still be carrying my own cameras when I'm 71.



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Yes, but do you want to be?

I think one would just get used to working a certain way. Assistants used to load film and put the dark cloth over your head, now they use the laptop, I suppose.

Not sure how he would get on up Skiddaw, mind.

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“And I’ve no intention of retiring either. I know photographers who have gone on into their 90s.” (Albert Watson)


Which is a bit different to retiring and then taking up photography.


Some of the Scottish landscapes aren't bad - several country miles short of what Tom Cooper can do though (that's Thomas Joshua Cooper), although you have to experience those in a gallery. 



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There are many things I am particularly interested in now that I may not be interested in when I'm 71 . . . or so I'm reliably informed.



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When I'm too old to carry my own bag, I'll hire a microstock photographer to do it for me.


(Sorry, really bad joke, I'm feeling punchy these days)


When I hit 71, microstock photographers will be paying me to carry my gear ;)

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I certainly enjoyed watching it.   Seems to me that in all that time working in NYC got him used to having all those assistants and all that gear.  Trouble is with all that van and stuff you have to take all your pictures at the roadside.


I particularly enjoyed the bit where he wanted to take a picture through the car windscreen and, despite all the rain in Skye, he got an assistant to spray water on the windscreen.



At 71 he is only a youngster anyway, I am 74 and manage all the time without a van full of assistants 

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