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Submission Passed Email, but Images Failed?

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Well, I haven't had a failure in ages, but I uploaded two images over the weekend. I received the Submission Passed email this morning, but when I logged in I found they'd failed. Anyone else ever have this happen?

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Yes, I had this happen recently  (I'm embarrassed to admit). The failure was totally my fault as I mistakenly uploaded a very noisy image. It was reassuring to know that someone or something was awake at the helm.


Do you currently have a five-star rating? If so, that might have something to do with it.

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Taking a look at AIM, I see that the batch with the noisy image doesn't show up as a failed submission, so I guess QC cut me some slack, which was decent of them. Consequently, my 5-star ranking wasn't affected. That must also be why I got the "passed QC" e-mail. I'm being extra careful now, needless to say.

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20 minutes ago, John Richmond said:

I suspect you only get the email if you've been put in the QC queue and your sample image(s) have been manually inspected.  If you go straight through - as I did this evening - there is no email triggered.


This sounds like a good explanation.

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I don't know whether this could be related but as a lowly 3 star kind of chap my last sub from thursday only cleared today whereas they normally go through in one working day without fail. I'm guessing its a holiday period related glitch :)

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13 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


Yes, but it doesn't answer the question, "When is a fail not really a fail and a pass not really a pass but a fail?" 😟 😀


Right but it answered (possibly) a secondary question as to why, with five stars, you get a "Passed" email, only sometimes.

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2 hours ago, John Richmond said:

I suspect that only Alamy can answer the original question.


I suspect you're right.


3 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


Right but it answered (possibly) a secondary question as to why, with five stars, you get a "Passed" email, only sometimes.


It does. My extended question was bad attempt attempt at humour. Blame it on the horrible weather here. Too bad we can't send some of this rain to Australia, where they really need it.

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2 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


I suspect you're right.



It does. My extended question was bad attempt attempt at humour. Blame it on the horrible weather here. Too bad we can't send some of this rain to Australia, where they really need it.

Another sufferer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?  I always blame my (many) failed winter attempts at humour on that.  I have different failure reasons for spring, summer and autumn, of course.

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19 hours ago, John Richmond said:

Another sufferer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?  I always blame my (many) failed winter attempts at humour on that.  I have different failure reasons for spring, summer and autumn, of course.

My failure mode is cold. It's an awful lot colder than New Zealand, that's for sure. 25C on Christmas Day.

Back to the real world, I bust the central heating as well changing a radiator valve. Fixed now but that was an icy couple of days.

Edited by spacecadet
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