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How fine are those Fine jpegs?

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I have only been using WD externals for a decade and have been happy with them.  I have been using 1TB drives because I figure that if

I loose one it is not the "END OF THE WORLD."  They are now cheap and small.


For all else, the first thing I do is copy all RAW or NEF files to an external drive, then edit or select.  Working with D800's these are large

folders, PC,  The D700 is or was a great DSLR, small files and wonderful up to 1600 ISO, the D800 are just as good, but the NEF files are

over twice the size.


P.S. My JPEGs are "very fine"


Interesting piece: What We Learned This Week: AI Is Going to Kill Stock Photography. Maybe. 



In my opinion it is and has been hurting classic "stock" photographers, but has little effect on my "mostly editorial"

work on Alamy.


For my work flow JPEG's are the end product and most of the time I do not even save them.


For OGNYANY:  I I I I I............


Chuck Nacke

Edited by Chuck Nacke
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10 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

There is just one wall plug I can use at this hotel.



Don't worry about that, Ed. At 240V you can draw 3kW from any socket, no problem. Just get yourself a 4-way short extension like this.


The pound shops (have you found them yet?) have them. They're safe.

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I'm not getting my message across about living out of a suitcase.


I have an extension cord as well as the two WD storage units. I have 8 notebooks with every page filled. And I have no idea what's in those notebook. Adding more and more crap just make the problem worse. I am not on holiday. I am not on a photo shoot. I find it impossible to keep track of everything, to know where this or that is. I have been living out of a suitcase for over a year and a half now. 

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I initially shot JPG on my first digital camera, but within a few months switched to JPG and RAW, then all RAW. I mostly shoot events and have no control over the weather and lighting, RAW  gives me good images that if they were shot as JPG I may have struggled. When used to RAW processing, it is acceptably quick and the final image better. When I shoot traditional stock and and could choose days with good light, fine JPG would likely do, but I still follow my usual RAW workflow, why should I accept second best.

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AI taking over?


At some point, while watching one of those multi-superhero films, I realized that they can now put anything on the screen. Anything. So of course people with the software can create any still image. 


Hollywood has stopped being concerned about interesting scripts or real acting. The "acting" now is those superheroes being deadly serious about nonsense. Maybe Spiderman has a solution to Brexit? 

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8 minutes ago, sb photos said:

I initially shot JPG on my first digital camera, but within a few months switched to JPG and RAW, then all RAW. I mostly shoot events and have no control over the weather and lighting, RAW  gives me good images that if they were shot as JPG I may have struggled. When used to RAW processing, it is acceptably quick and the final image better. When I shoot traditional stock and and could choose days with good light, fine JPG would likely do, but I still follow my usual RAW workflow, why should I accept second best.


I too shoot nothing but RAW, as I've said. But . . . since there have been upgrades in quality with cameras, sensors, Adobe apps, and everything else, I have to ask if there has been a big improvement in jpegs too. And so the test . . . which I forgot to do in my PP last night. Hmmm. Maybe tonight.

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6 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

AI taking over?


At some point, while watching one of those multi-superhero films, I realized that they can now put anything on the screen. Anything. So of course people with the software can create any still image. 


Hollywood has stopped being concerned about interesting scripts or real acting. The "acting" now is those superheroes being deadly serious about nonsense. Maybe Spiderman has a solution to Brexit? 


Agree with you, Ed, about modern hollywood movies . . . and so does Martin Scorsese : https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-05/martin-scorsese-marvel-films-not-cinema/11576716


wish there was more we could do to help with the trials of living out of a suitcase.



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Thanks for that, Dusty.


When it was still Italian, Scorsese, as a teen, lived a few blocks from where I lived in Little Italy. His family's building on Elizabeth Street is in what is called NoLita now (north of Little Italy). The building is on the street that was used as a site for Godfather 3.


In early days, Mulberry St was mostly Neapolitan, Mott St was Sicilian, and Elizabeth St was a mix of people from Italy's south.


Scorsese made a half-dozen great films. I was disappointed with his Gangs of New York, but I had the pleasure of talking to Daniel Day-Lewis at Il Fornaio, my old restaurant on Mulberry, after he finished Lincoln. He was having lunch with a Italian shoemaker friend. Mister Day-Lewis spoke better Italian than I do. I was very impressed. He's a lovely person, if somewhat insane. 


I used to be a fan of SciFi books. I can't watch these new films.



Edited by Ed Rooney
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Sorry, folks, but I gave up on shooting jpegs before I got going on this silly test business.


I can see getting involved and making an effort to move from shooting jpegs to working in RAW . . . but the other way around?  Not worth bothering with. 


I'm not pressed for time shooting or doing the  PP on RAW. It's what I do. I even switched back from RAW and Fine jpeg to RAW alone. Basta!



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Some years ago, I switched from RAW to RAW + jpeg fine. I found I never used the jpeg. Ever. I just ended up deleting them all each time and doing what I do with the RAW. That’s lasted about two shoots.

Most likely if I had shot Jpegs in the beginning of the digital age, I wouldn’t be so intractable. But I was already into thinking about stock when I bought my Nikon D70, and the word was RAW, so that’s what I did. 14 years of it and I can’t make myself do anything else.

Kind of like telling myself I will no longer be left-handed and begin using my right. Ain’t gonna happen. Something about old dogs and new tricks comes to mind.



Edited by Betty LaRue
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Jpeg fine for speed probably will work out, but I'd always shoot RAW at least for backup - even when I shot Live News I'd shoot both. 


In terms of workflow, like you, @edo I have the Nik filters and have been using them forever - but as of sometime this year when PS updated I can no longer get them to load in PS but I can use them directly in LR - the opposite of your experience.... Otherwise, my workflow is much like yours, although with the new Texture slider in LR & all those newish color options (I especially like some of the Modern ones), I'm finding that I sometimes skip using Nik and just do stuff in LR and then dust spot in PS.  


Unlike you @Betty LaRue I was clueless about shooting RAW when I first got my D70. I did a cover shot for a local magazine of a famous politician who lives in my town back in 2006, with my new camera and shot jpegs indoors in a local deli with no flash, bad light and a tripod at least (she told the editor she liked it better than the cover of Time magazine she was on that same week, but I could have saved many more from that shoot I had used RAW - I thought I needed Capture One (or whatever the Nikon software was, which I ended up getting a couple of years later, and which got me hooked on the Nik filters.....but I digress...


Luckily, the very next weekend I went to a two-day Nikon class and learned all about RAW and that I could use it with PS.  With software updates it's amazing what I can get out of 

some of those old 6MP shots.  And what I can get out of my 42MP shots, which like yours, @Chuck Nacke are enormous after I make them into 16 bit Tiffs  


Poor @edo !!! My 💚goes out to you trying to keep all your digital assets organized on the fly without a home base! I can't find things and feel like I'm drowning in hard drives and backups, running out of room, even with a house to live in... Have you got a good cloud storage solution? I guess from hotel rooms, backup would be painfully slow, but maybe there is a co-working space near you with fast internet? 


The downside of jpegs: Sometimes I capture a scene I love on my iPhone and I love that I can upload it to S....but I know those files are so limited - even a 12 megapixel perfectly exposed iPhone photo can't compare to what I used to get out of my D70 even as a clueless noob. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 03/10/2019 at 19:35, Ed Rooney said:

I've been shooting RAW since moving from film to digital.  I assume most of you shoot RAW. But maybe I'm wrong. For Live News, I would shoot Fine jpegs and do no PP at all. But I don't shoot Live news. I've been going from RAW to tiff to jpeg, from LR to PS but maybe on many of my snaps I don't really need to do that. 


Who among you are happy shooting Fine jpegs? I plan to do that in this next week as an experiment. 



With Fuji X unless it's something very tricky or very special, I shoot JPEG, with Nikon I shoot RAW + Medium JPEG, Converting to JPEG to do post in Photoshop.

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