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Big sales usually Distributor Sales - Why?

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Why is it that most times that I get a 'big' sale it's via a distributor?  Always a downer when you see a 'big' sale and then see in the sales report it's a distributor sale with big minuses as commisions.  Most of my Alamy direct sales are for smaller amounts.  😕 .  Any ideas why this is?



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My experience has been the opposite as well. So much so I pulled out of distribution and have gone Alamy only (plus Japan in distribution because of language) on the thought that if they wanted the image enough they would have to go to Alamy themselves - so far this is has not been the case though they simply don't buy (or have not yet).. hoping for a change ;+)

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I find that there often isn't a lot of price difference between distributor and direct sales these days. However, the majority of my $$$ sales (including one for $200 this month) are direct ones. It seems that "big sale" might mean different things to different contributors, though.

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