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Please don't post anything more in Edo in Seville. I can't do anything there. 


John, I once played at a Brooklyn club with Jimmy Smith. I remember the solid bass line he was putting down with his feet. 

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5 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Please don't post anything more in Edo in Seville. I can't do anything there. 


John, I once played at a Brooklyn club with Jimmy Smith. I remember the solid bass line he was putting down with his feet. 



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Some of you will remember me saying before I came to Spain that I wanted to find a furnished apartment that was no more than a 15-minute walk from a simple, affordable restaurant or two and a market. That seems funny now because right outside the gate to my building there is a pizzeria and across the street is a small supermarket. And within 2-to-3 minutes there are about 20 pretty good places to eat. 


For those of you who know Seville, I'm at the southeast corner of the Alameda de Hercules, a lively, pleasant tourist area. A 15-minute walk south would take me through the main shopping streets to the Cathedral of Seville. Someone said it's always about three things: location, location, location. I've got location.


Edo  😎

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20 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Some of you will remember me saying before I came to Spain that I wanted to find a furnished apartment that was no more than a 15-minute walk from a simple, affordable restaurant or two and a market. That seems funny now because right outside the gate to my building there is a pizzeria and across the street is a small supermarket. And within 2-to-3 minutes there are about 20 pretty good places to eat. 


For those of you who know Seville, I'm at the southeast corner of the Alameda de Hercules, a lively, pleasant tourist area. A 15-minute walk south would take me through the main shopping streets to the Cathedral of Seville. Someone said it's always about three things: location, location, location. I've got location.


Edo  😎

Edo - sounds wonderful - am hoping to get out there later in the year!





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14 hours ago, Doc said:

Edo - sounds wonderful - am hoping to get out there later in the year!






Let me know when you're coming, Doc, and we can get together for some tapas.  edoruan@gmail.com

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  • 2 months later...

I'll try a brief spring update, although nothing of importance has changed. 


The one good friend I made here in these past 6 months has gone back to the States to take a job with American Airlines in Texas.


I still haven't found a way to get healthcare insurance. Without that, I cannot get a resident visa. The answer to all questions about this conundrum is either 'I don't know' or 'maybe.'  My personal situation seems to be unique. 


I've been here for over 6 months. I am renting an apartment and I have a Spanish bank account. No one has yet tapped me on the shoulder and said, 'Get out!' ???


Do I speak Spanish yet? Nope. 



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On 10/03/2019 at 22:23, Ed Rooney said:

Yes, Ian . . . but we haven't experienced the summer yet.  


I took art A-level in Seville (long story), and, thankfully, everything was timed for early starts each morning. Seville is just about the hottest place in Europe, each summer, so you'll be needing a few cold beers...

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Yes, it will be super hot, John. 


Cecile, my stepdaughter was in NYC last week and snapped some pics of my building. After 14 months, there are still vacate notices on the entrance. That means nobody is allowed in the building. No work has been done on Angelo's, the restaurant on the ground floor where the fire started. It's 146 Mulberry Street. 


I sold my rent stabilized lease to the landlord last July. I will not be going back to the city. 

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I just did some online research on Angelo's and they have left their website the same as if they are open but on Facebook a recent post said they will open in August. Such a long time.



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It’s always good to know that trusting your instincts, ie.selling your lease and getting out of there, was the right thing to do, Edo. 


Interesting about the sign, Paulette. I think it was October when I walked by there last, and the sign said the restaurant was opening in January 2019. Sounds like there are lots of delays, for whatever reason.

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