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New blue for AIM

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It appears that images selected In AIM now come with a light blue wash, removed when the photo is enlarged.


Maybe this is an attempt to reduce the incidence of contributors inadvertently picking multiple images when keywording. If so it won't help when some of those selected are off screen.


Having now used the new AIM for a considerable period, and I have to say that there is much to admire, but this business of having to manually deselect continues to irritate me,  it causes unnecessary remedial work and the insertion of unseen errors.  I would MUCH prefer that AIM reverted to the standard Windows arrangement whereby a new selection cancelled the previous, unless a Ctrl  key press specified that an addition was required. This is the LR standard, used by, I suspect, many of us.

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I just took a look at that and I hate it. Hard to see details unless you enlarge the image to remove the blue. Yikes. I do like the little banner at the top of the right section that says how many images are selected. New things do throw me a bit though most of this looks good.



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If you miss out one of a group that need the same tags, it's a snip to "select all" on a finished image and paste it onto the tag bar on the new image. Just beware if you're near the tag limit and there are already some tags present. It won't go over 50.

Now you can just call up all your "not on sales" and pick them off with copy and paste from the second window. Very handy.

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I'm with Bryan on this - I can't imagine why they chose the exact opposite of the standard of every other type of file browsing/selection/management software. With the new changes coming up though, this may be the only irritant left which is great because at its heart its a good management system that was just made clunky by some weak design points. 

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5 hours ago, Bryan said:


Having now used the new AIM for a considerable period, and I have to say that there is much to admire, but this business of having to manually deselect continues to irritate me,  it causes unnecessary remedial work and the insertion of unseen errors.  I would MUCH prefer that AIM reverted to the standard Windows arrangement whereby a new selection cancelled the previous, unless a Ctrl  key press specified that an addition was required. This is the LR standard, used by, I suspect, many of us.


Here, here. Well said, sir. The updated AIM is an opportunity missed in this respect, usability on normal computers being sacrificed, I suspect, on the altar of usability on handheld devices. The wrong priority in my view.

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Regarding the file selection method, this question has come up before but to re-iterate our reasoning:


1 - During testing, we observed a wide range of photographers using different versions of the tool with both options for selecting images. Having selection methods like as you describe above (e.g, the 'standard way') led to continual frustration with users deselecting images "accidentally" whilst clicking round other areas of the tool. You can imagine how disheartening this would be if you'd spent 10 minutes scrolling through previous submissions and selecting a set group of images only for them all to be deselected at the click of a mouse. We appreciate this is a different way of working with files but we went with the best possible outcome as a result of testing.


2 - There is a mobile / tablet audience that has to be catered for, again, this suits those methods of input


We're locking this thread down to avoid duplicated feedback, if you could keep it to one thread that would be great:







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