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Julie Edwards

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    West Sussex
  • Interests
    Running, Fitness, Art and I ride a Motorcycle....


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  • Joined Alamy
    03 Jan 2009

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Community Answers

  1. Distribution still exists in a digital world, Alamy (PA Media) does not have offices or sales teams in every territory around the world. In those territories (newspapers & magazines etc) still want to "buy local" or deal with the local news agencies/picture agencies. Therefore Alamy (PA) supplies these territories via a local agency and there is probably a reciprocal agreement where images from that territory are distributed by (PA Media) in the UK and/or USA... It is very common in the digital image world and most agencies have these agreements to cover multiple territories.
  2. M2 MacBook Pro (you choose size), with as much RAM as you can afford - I do not think 16GB is enough. depending on the model you could co 24GB or 36GB
  3. People seem to blame Alamy. It's not (only) Alamy. It's market rate for single images. Its market rate due to supply and demand. Its economics forced upon the market by the "ease" at which images can created & supplied. I only look at my monthly income because I measure my costs monthly. Granted, this works less for those with smaller portfolios, those that cant stack em high. My gut feeling is that it is only worth it for those with a low overhead creating a lot of images....
  4. I had a Fuji GFX for a few years. Loved its quality. 50MP sensors on full frame are just not the quality of the medium format (in the same way as APS-C compares to Full frame etc etc all the way down to phone images)… as I said before , all pixels are not created equal… Is it overkill ? depends what you are doing and what you want - i found I could shoot interiors / architecture without resorting the bracketing/blending due to the increased dynamic range of the sensor… and when it came to studios portraits, nothing matched it… However, 6 weeks ago I traded it in as I dont have enough of these types of jobs to justify it.. Im already missing it but I am shooting more by having the new x100…..
  5. 3 hours? I dream of 3 hours.. We had to be in official positions at 7:30.. Nice frame though ..
  6. Adobe’s continued commitments Our commitments to our customers have not changed. Adobe does not train Firefly Gen AI models on customer content. Firefly generative AI models are trained on a dataset of licensed content, such as Adobe Stock, and public domain content where copyright has expired. Read more here: https://helpx.adobe.com/firefly/faq.html#training-data
  7. Thank you In terms of pixel count - absolutely. As we know though, not all pixels are created equal (Which I know you know 😉 ) I agree - I think there should be some clarification on this issue. I wonder on the question ... there is a quality filter such as "reportage" / "May include inperfections" why iPhone images could not take this route...
  8. I am surprised by a number of the responses here. I thought this storm is a teacup had gone away (terms of service). The terms have been there a few years and merely clarified. These updates have nothing to do with Ai.. They have everything to do with storing and delivering images, software improvement + a bit on ensuring ner-do-wells are not storing illegal content on thier servers. There have been a number of clarifications.. Any time you use a web service, say to pass information or pics back to the client , you break an nda. (I.e email/dropbox etc) Storage of the image/data requires a “right”/“license” for the image/data.. Be sensible-this is outrage from those that do not understand how services work.. https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/06/clarification-adobe-terms-of-use Edit: Clarified to I mean the terms of service - I am 100% with the original post, letter and anti the "skip the photoshoot" advert
  9. I shoot RAW often on my iPhone 15 Max.. Even running it through the latest processing techniques, sharpening & noise reduction, IMHO it is still not as high a quality as many "proper" cameras. It is 100% fine for web and social media but the largest I have managed to print an image as a decent enough quality is A3. Therefore it is not suitable for general stock. The reason for this is obvious. Take the 3/4 vs APS vs Full Frame debate on image quality. The iPhone has a sensor that is 8mm x 6mm ! Think what that does for noise and sharpness. The brilliance of the iPhone images is totally down to the software in the iPhone. Maybe if there were a way of filtering results on the site based on size / quality maybe but atm, no. Dont be taken in by the marketing...
  10. In relation to the X100VI..... I have had mine a few weeks now and have been using it quite a bit... here is a little mono photo essay I did using it in Cannes over the festival (during which I also shot many images on the camera in colour for distribution)...
  11. Disc space is cheap. I keep the RAW & DNG. The final JPG that is submitted I delete as this is the file that may be recreated from the DNG at any point.
  12. Fair enough - but it does explain why a denoised (demosicaed) DNG could be larger than the original RAW (and the fact that a standard DNG is not demosiacied but a denoised one is...)
  13. In regards to file sizes.. the following links have good data and would apply equally to DxO and Adobe DNG's https://forum.dxo.com/t/why-are-dngs-so-much-larger-than-the-raw-files/27577/3 and https://forum.dxo.com/t/reduce-dng-files-size-when-exporting/32137/4 Goes into the Adobe Raw converter options... Bottom line - A raw image file contains single colour per pixel (colour filters if you know how the sensor works), a NR file is a demosaiced file containing RGB per pixel, hence the growth in size..
  14. TBH - I really would not worry about the internal disk - 256 or 512 is fine. What I would worry about in the non-upgradable RAM,. (As the internal drive can be increased with external thunderbolt drives, RAM cannot). The unified RAM means it is shared between the working RAM and the graphics. MY experience is that for extended editing or editing of large images on 4K monitors, 16GB is not enough and I would go for 32MB (My Studio is 48GB and in an extended session I can see that drop to under 16GB available)
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