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    20 Apr 2017

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  1. OK maybe not the "BEST", but at least a high level of proficiency...? 😆 Same here, photography and my career as a photographer has been a blessing for me.
  2. All the BEST photographers have dyslexia! 😊 All I can say is thank God for word processing software with spell check and synonyms! I can not spell my way out of a wet paper bag so I do all my caption and keyword writing on a word processor and then cut and paste them into the image's metadata. Others here have given you wise counsel, never strive for fifty tags or ten super-tags just what's appropriate. Remember the five W's - Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why? Hope this helps, David L. Moore
  3. Living on a island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean I sometimes feel like a red headed step-child in regards to UK centered Alamy. That being said I have been continually amazed at what subject matter sells and have had the good fortune of consistent sales throughout out the years. (But sometimes at ridiculous low prices) The days of spending money to produce stock shoots is long gone as there no return for the outlay. Stock for me is documenting my life, interest, travels and exploiting any access I have to subjects and locations. Hobbies, friends, family and events are all fodder for the camera. It's important to photograph what interests/excites you as it's very hard to make good images of subjects that you have no interest in. Fortunately for me I'm very interested in people and culture as images with people have been consistent sellers for me. I recommend you do the hard work of writing descriptive descriptions/captions that then become the start of the appropriate tags/keywords in the metadata of each image, Ideally on the RAW image file. This one and done approach ensures that the effort of creating the metadata stays with the image not on some remote database. Hope this helps, David L. Moore
  4. When you make a new template in Photoshop make sure to use a new blank image this way none of the existing metadata of an image gets carried over to the new template. I learned this the hard way when the capture dates/times were being corrupted by the template I made.
  5. This has happen to me. To fix it, edit your post, right-click on image and set the vertical and horizontal pixels to taste. Hope this helps.
  6. Two men working together to install photovoltaic panel onto aluminum rails on residential rooftop, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA Image ID: 2F6RJXX Man laying on rooftop reaching under photovoltaic panel to connected the wiring during a residential installation, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA Image ID: 2F6RJXT
  7. Here are my three for consideration. Man playing an upright piano outside on sidewalk, Paul Street, Centre, Cork, County Cork, Munster, Ireland Man wearing kilt playing bagpipes on the Westminster Bridge, City of Westminster, London, England, United Kingdom Two musicians performing acoustic music for tips at the Saturday Farmers Market, Santa Fe Railyard, Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA Any other terms/keywords for Busking? Street performance...?
  8. Stills don't do this young hula dancer justice as she was moving very fast with grace. So nice to hear live Hawaiian music with amazing hula. Music with dance when done well is SO much more then either alone. Mental health is a THING! Best to find joy where you can.
  9. Here are my three for consideration. FEAR- Image ID: 2B1B30T Woman showing a young girl how to handle a buggy and horse, Harness horse parade, Inner circle Regent's Park, London England UK - Image ID: J2M8JG Young girl dressed as a Hawaiian Pa’u rider being led on a pony up Baldwin Avenue during the 54th annual Makawao Rodeo Parade, Makawao, Maui, Hawaii - Image ID: 2A549PY
  10. Below is a video form the Tattooed Bald Monkey about the catastrophic financial situation Nikon is in. NIKON GO BOOM: Uncle Kenny told you so I hope the new mirrorless camera can save Nikon! I'm a big fan of Nikon since the F2 to today with the D850 and the AMAZING 19mm PC lens that I use for my commercial work.
  11. RDP was the start of my FUJIFILM love also. I was working at a commercial studio when they switched form Kodak 120, 4x5 film with it's inconstant ASA ratings and wide swings in color form different batches to FUJIFILM with its dependable consistent color and ASA. The X100 was a paradigm shift for me as well.
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