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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Ah yes that update which made many tools more accessible. I wish I still had hair I could pull out. Thanks for the video though! My favorite Adobe teacher. wim
  2. Hey! Drag and drop just worked. (Firefox - Windows) Kennedy Space Center NASA Space Shuttle Discovery Mission ST-120 on Launch Pad 39A Florida US October 2007 Low $$ to China. Editorial Magazine Inside. wim edit: first sale of this one.
  3. Just searched for disabled and I'm getting 254,929 images. Clicking the Creative tab it takes a while and then I get 195,857 images. Ulytimate and Vital are the same as yours. Uncut - I get 129,827 Foundation again the same 17,700. Clicking the Editorial tab again takes a while. Editorial - 52,885 third image: File photo dated 26/01/18 of money, as disabled households in the UK are being pushed into debt by spiralling living costs, research suggests. That's clever: PA Images And when I go back to that first page 30 seconds later, it's gone. Maybe that's because new images are coming in in real time? So I go looking for that money shot. The images that went before and after do appear, but not this one. So how does a client grab it? And after a couple of refreshes and trying all the other tabs, there it is again on the third position. Weird things are going on here. So if the client lost it the first time, how long would he/she try to get it back or go searching to find it somewhere else on Alamy? wim
  4. Why withdraw them? There are many images that show up the exact same under different agencies and from the photographer him/her self. Do agencies get a better rate? In any case they do not pass QC afaik. wim
  5. I get 639,136 so Editorial is no good either. The problem is that as a client it is very hard or impossible to see where you are, how you got there and why you are getting so few and such weird results. wim
  6. Let's hope they are trying to fix things on the client side first. If that is the case, I totally accept these minor conveniences. If otoh these very useful resources would disappear for good, I would be very miffed also. Maybe we should start 2 new topics in the proper place: One about things on the side of the client that are going wrong and one about stuff on the side of the contributor. wim
  7. That's an easy test: Go to All of Alamy and try %pigeon%hunger% and %hunger%pigeon%. Now just type %pigeon% to see all sorts of keywords that clients looking for a pigeon would use. Maybe also try %dove%, because many people use those words interchangeably. Remarkably many searches for pigeon. I may have to re-think my subject choice. Only one view for pigeon on a treadmill. But when I go look for that, there is no image showing in my part of the world. Ha! there's another search for pigeon treadmill! 3 views this time, but only this one image shows up. Where's the treadmill? Maybe Google Translate mixed up some words in Russian? Maybe I do not know what a treadmill looks like? Hmm. My guess is that the client was looking for this youtube video. wim
  8. It's only one pseudo at a time. For a complete collection the link would be different. That's exactly why these links to left here are so practical. Plus the reason why some have left this forum altogether because it shows all your images across all pseudos. Right click on your own link and you'll see what it looks like. wim
  9. wiskerke

    Alamy Measures

    Just found out by accident that when you exclude yesterday, all is fine. Or when you click on a pseudonym that did not get any views yesterday, all is displayed also. Weird. wim
  10. If you get a 500 : Internal Server Error, use this link: Allanbellimages. wim edit: and if you get a Bad gateway, just try again.
  11. I was just about to post: all probably looks great on the iPhones of the designer and the consultant. Maybe the iPads then. Let's hope so. Most of the Ultimate images I have checked so far do appear on some other stock outlet. Except for that one S*o image! So maybe that hugely successful team has now been promoted to redesign the whole of Alamy? wim
  12. As I said in the Sales history (the one with the thumbnails) the refunds stay with the original sale. If you choose the date range long enough. In the Net revenue sales report you have to find the exact same line but with a negative sale amount and different dates. It sometimes appears as a pair: a sale and a refund, however that usually means the refund is for a previous sale. In reality none of this is happening, it's just the client wanting everything on one bill or the bill in a new year or a month even. Or when it comes to paying the end bill of a larger project, the client finds out the exchange rate has shifted too much in his/her disadvantage and asks accounting for a new bill at the current date. We only see this because reporting to us is done in (close to) real time. Depending on how many sales there are, this is either on the same page some lines apart or hunting through many pages. Quickest is by number. If you download the spreadsheet it's even quicker of course. wim
  13. Hmm I would say it proves there is a profanity filter active on Invision boards. Safe spaces and all that. wim
  14. Haha it seems that Alamy HQ took pity and decided to throw a rock in the pond to start a bit of debate here. Anybody on Twitter or Facebook counting the likes/dislikes? wim
  15. Is there no choice between large thumbnails/small thumbnails anymore after I have started at the front page? When I go to the Latest collections Body positivity Climate visuals etc. there's still the choice in the upper right hand corner, but now and then the page switches from small to large without warning. My guess is that novice users visitors will love the big thumbnails, but serious clients won't. That may well be the case for the whole concept. Remember what Google did right? Starting with a single search box on a blank page. Dare I say it? They owned... wim
  16. The contributor filter resets with each new search or refresh. I am getting lots of 502 bad gateways btw. When I click editorial or creative, none of my images show up so far. I have to click all. Interesting concept. Maybe all of this is what clients want. There's this joke about a grocer. (It's that old.) A customer says to the grocer: I noticed that you have a whole wall with boxes of salt. Grocer: Yeah? Customer: Are you selling that much salt? Grocer: No but my colleague across the street even has two walls full so he must be selling lots of it. Another one: A customer says to the grocer: I noticed that you have a whole wall with boxes of salt. Grocer: Yeah? Customer: Are you selling that much salt? Grocer: No but you would have no idea how much that salt salesman sells. wim
  17. Revenge of the Middlemen. Would make a good film title. For a book title I would suggest: The New Middlemen. For an article maybe Disintermediation and re-intermediation. For an inscription on a tombstone: Precarians of the world unite! wim
  18. wiskerke

    Alamy Measures

    Views and sales are being reported. Maybe zooms as well, but I had none. wim
  19. That's the advantage of low fees! Freebies are no big deal anymore 😂 No it's a big national independent paper. Second largest according to Wikipedia. wim
  20. Worldwide Editorial web use in any and all owned digital channels Website, app and social media - Unlimited Low $ Has anybody found out yet where these are being used? wim edit: found it - Polish daily newspaper
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