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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. I don't expect them to show up as this is a different set. It's what Alamy uses to showcase a portfolio of particular interest. They turn up in AoA from time to time when clients click on them from the front page or the categories page. Go to AoA and see for yourself how often that happens. When I checked some years ago the max was 64 for one portfolio or collection I think. As Alamy long ago noticed, around 5% of all clients seemed to use filters. Even less seem interested in all those bells and whistles. wim
  2. Yes. Try this in the Alamy search box: Ray Evans/f:pseudonym wim
  3. Yesterday 95% of my searches were [LU]. I see 3 possibilities: 1 - This is still a glitch in the reporting with too many searches getting the LU tag. 2 - The sort of images we have don't show up high enough to be seen and zoomed by regular non LU-clients because of the new algorithm. 3 - All but a few regular clients have left the building overnight. -2: Not in an agency collection; not the right combination of characteristics like RM/RF; releases; boxes ticked; editorial/not. wim
  4. Do RF images turn up in those [LU] searches? Do editorial only images turn up in those [LU] searches? wim
  5. Well spotted! wim edit: remember it's always a feature not a bug. Waving not drowning.
  6. Does this mean we are all exclusive in the bargain basement now? Scary. wim edit: the only sale for one of my zoomed searches since June 21 is indeed a LU for 21 cts. As I said: scary.
  7. If the images are RF and they have recognizable people, you must tick the editorial only box. If you have images that are RF somewhere else, they can only be RF here as well. Recognizable = people are able to recognize themselves. Roughly the same for property and animals. wim
  8. Ultimate is not exclusive so far. It would be a good thing though. wim
  9. It may well be hand picked, but I'm guessing the source plays an important part. Maybe only because it aligns certain requirements like RF; releases and so forth. S*o is curated, so are most agencies and some premium ones more so than others. Is curating good? The proof of the pudding is in the selling. EyeEm seems to use AI. Which may well be a good idea: this is a commodity, not art. Meeting the current taste the best may well sell more. However most people in marketing will tell you that you'll need something else as well. wim
  10. For Ultimate: Buy and iPhone and upload to Stockimo. Or join the EyeEm agency that's featured heavily in Ultimate. It's an official partner of Alamy, so I'm guessing it's OK to mention them here. Interestingly EyeEm also started as a iPhone only collection. wim
  11. FedEx in Utah DHL in Amsterdam And Death in Venice. wim
  12. https://www.alamy.com/alamycontributorreports/Reports.aspx?Rep=1 You have to be logged in. wim
  13. That has been around for a while. Not with drones though but with 360 and it is being used a lot in car photography. Where the cars are all rendered images from even before any has left the factory. First time I heard about it was 20 years ago. wim
  14. In my case it's June 20. Btw it's not the Pseudonym Summary itself that's not working: that is working fine. It's the Home > My Alamy > Pseudonym Summary > Search term(s) It's not that the link is not working. It's the function that is not in use by Alamy anymore. Which is a pity. Let's hope it comes back. I find it very useful. wim
  15. Do visit some of those links! This is that contributing agency that has some interesting videos with tips. Plus some really good imagery. (On Facebook.) wim
  16. Have you checked whether the images appear on other agencies and have the same faulty keywords there as well? Well for just 10 images I can easily see for myself of course. Let's go. 504 Gateway Time-out And now my white screen has a purple tinge to it after staring at the new Alamy color. Yikes. (Have you noticed btw that Alamy uses 2 different green colors on the same page? ) - Trying it 5 times. Aha now it shows 57,833 images for Banff National Park 10 for Ultimate 1808 for Vital 55,945 for Uncut 70 for Foundation and All results (57,833) I click on See all Ultimate images for ‘banff national park’ and get 57,833 images. ??? All this with tab set to Creative and with Ultimate highlighted in blue. OK did this for 10-15 times all with the same outcome, so it's not a glitch; it's a feature. Come on I want to see those 10. After checking the Editorial tab - 2,749 images I click All images - 63,035 images Now the Creative again and I do not click the See all Ultimate images for link but I click the Ultimate tab and I get the 10 images. Did that take me 30 minutes?? It did; waiting times were quite long. I don't think there is any client willing to jump through hoops for 10 minutes. Ok now let's look at those images. I have no idea what Banff National Park looks like. I cannot click on the first image. I can click the second one. I cannot click on the third image. Refresh. Now I can click the first image. On #1 Sunrise, Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada - Image ID: S32495 Interesting a S* image on #1. That's unlikely to appear on any other agency. From a collection of 6,352 S* images! But if it ever sold, no image search engines I use, have picked it up. Most of the collection is from canada, so he/she will probably know his/her mountains. On #2 Scenic View Of Lake And Mountains Against Sky Image ID: 2DJG2F7 This one from the EYEEM agency. Now as I said I don't know Banff, but I think we'll all recognize Bled in Slovenia here. (18000 images on Alamy.) Which is not in the keywords, but Banff National Park is. And Kirkoswald too. (Hint: that's not in Germany.) OK is this EYEEM's fault? Alamy's? or the Eyem contributor? It appears on S*stock and A*be and Eyem itself of course and OMG it's on Unsplash under another name. So who nicked from whom? It does appear online a couple of times, so it could have been sold. Or downloaded from Unsplash. How well does EYEEM check their uploads? Or is it all just AI? Would AI pick up 10 pretty good panoramas from all over the world from someone in Asia with a couple of student images plus a couple of event pictures and some selfies? Hmm I don't think too highly of AI either, but this must be an easy one. On #3 Here we have the S*o contributor of #1 again. He/she must either sell a whole lot or the curator is his/her girlfriend/boyfriend. Lake Miniwanka Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada and Mount Rundle - Image ID: S2WC11 Lake Miniwanka will not be found because Google thinks the name is Minnewanka. (0 searches vs 8 searches in the rolling year. Banff National Park is included in only 33 searches for the rolling year.) No sales detected online btw. On #4 Here we have EYEM again, but now from another contributor. With 1.4k Photos on EYEEM. High quality stuff I may add. So this must be high concept. Available on big G; A*e; S*k; EYEM itself of course and Mauritius, but that may well be the Alamy image itself because it has not loaded after 10 minutes. Still not loaded after 20 minutes: definitely Alamy. 30 minutes: still a rolling ball. 1 hour later ball still rolling. Moraine Lake, the location is not in the caption nor in the keywords. Moraine Lake: 14 searches for the rolling year. On#5 This nice bright S*o image from a contributor with only 5 images on S*o. All from July or August 2017. Two only have one keyword: Stockimo. Plus the captions of course: Stormy Skies & Country Roads; Summer Beauty -Daisy basks in the sunshine while quenching her thirst; and this one: The Journey Begins - Image ID: S1T8WE It looks very much like a trial upload to me. Has any of it been licensed? Who knows. On #6 This well keyworded drone image of lake Louise. From the CAVAN agency which has 502,778 images on Alamy Of which all 502,778 are in Ultimate. And in Vital too. And in Uncut. And yep in Foundation as well. Have a look at their facebook videos. For obvious reasons I'm not going to give you their address: They are an agency though I had never heard of them. I had noticed however that their images pop up really often in this whole campaign. Remember that salt joke? Well maybe this is some really good salt. The image is by Ashley Cooper btw. This is his own library dedicated to Global warming. His work can be found in different collections on Alamy. However the site won't cooperate anymore. I may have overstayed my welcome. It repeatedly comes up with no results while just minutes ago it gave 28k images for that exact same search term and filter settings. So I'll stop here. The next one at #7 is from our S*o contributor again. There is something weird with last 3, because they are good and by the same Alamy contributor who has only a very small and tight collection on Alamy. Her website. Let's hope she sells well here. I give up. wim edit: in case anybody wondered if the lousy timings could be due to a fault on my end: my download 143.26 Mbps and my upload 121.55 Mbps. (fiber optic)
  17. Wonderful story. With a name like that! I bet he liked cats too. And then all of a sudden drag and drop doesn't work. (It did 8 hours ago.) Maybe it doesn't like Lenin or cats. Because I wanted to include one of the Lenin with cat images from here on Alamy. Google finds 6 real ones on Alamy and Alamy itself finds 3 real ones out of 17. wim
  18. Agree. But if it turns out to have been a main board error all along it would have been good money thrown at bad money. That's the problem with fixing it without the ability to test it first. BTDT very recently. The replacement costing 299 Eur will arrive tomorrow by UPS. (Not a camera.) 🤦‍♂️ I got the 50 Eur replacement part installed. I cannot say with no problem, just with minor problems. Youtube was a great help. However there probably had been an underlying problem all along. So I could should have saved me 3 months of exasperation plus those 50 Euros. But hey I didn't. You know what they say about experience. It's risk taking that hasn't killed you. 😎 wim
  19. You also tried switching the batteries right? And repeatedly releasing the shutter without lens as some report online? And with electronic first shutter? wim
  20. That is really low. Especially for it to fail. With the A7 series I have seen the message only once I think, with a rental RIII or IV (mid shoot where it was my main body) and got the instruction to clean the lens contacts and that resolved it. With the RX100's I have seen it numerous times and it always was either a lens problem or the excessive G aka fall shut off feature. That one must have been enabled btw. Which I always do, because it's an easy fix and I like to know. wim
  21. The message can mean many things. They must have hired someone from Microsoft for the UX. Have you looked at the curtain? Is it sitting completely straight? If not, use a soft stick to gently push up the corner that is hanging low. I usually use a stiff cotton swab or a normal one without the cotton for stuff like this. Have you tried to read the shutter count? https://tools.science.si/ wim
  22. Firstly the original a7 has no IBIS. Secondly this message usually comes up when a lens is jammed stuck. Have you tried it without lens and with another lens? wim edit: similarly, have you tried electronic first shutter on/off?
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