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"stufe ad olle" - correct term in English

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good morning to all of you

I took some pictures of "stufe ad olle" (in Italian) antice. They would be pictures of tiled stoves. The exact description in English and possibly in "British English" how should it be? And any synonyms.
I have not yet arranged the images, I still have them in raw format and therefore I insert an image that is not mine. Google image capture (wikipedia) ...
thanks to those who want to suggest the exact translation ...



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"tiled stoves" as you said yourself conveys the sort of thing you are going to see - but it's worth putting the Italian in as a tag surely as well if that is the accepted term?


Suggest "ornate stoves" as well.



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 ornate tile stove, tiled wood stove, tiled stove, ornate tile wood burning stove, ceramic wood burning stove, ornate ceramic stove.



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34 minutes ago, Malcolm Park said:

(Ceramic) stove pot.

Google "ceramic stove pot" and see what you get. Not the correct translation. It won't bring up what she is trying to describe. https://www.google.com/search?q=ceramic+stove+pot&client=firefox-b-1-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiW6Jmm3qLaAhVJja0KHS8MAvwQ_AUICygC&biw=1806&bih=1050 

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I think I’d want the word ‘faience’ in there somewhere. I don’t know Italian, but the word may be of Italian origin. There’s a word in the Wiki entry that looks close. Perhaps a place name?



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6 minutes ago, pazmander said:

I think I’d want the word ‘faience’ in there somewhere. I don’t know Italian, but the word may be of Italian origin. There’s a word in the Wiki entry that looks close. Perhaps a place name?




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2 hours ago, pazmander said:



3 hours ago, pazmander said:

I think I’d want the word ‘faience’ in there somewhere. I don’t know Italian, but the word may be of Italian origin. There’s a word in the Wiki entry that looks close. Perhaps a place name?



Faenza, beautiful towns of central Italy, famous for the processing of "majolica"


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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Lorenza, this can often help, but not always:  https://translate.google.com



Hello And,   yes, I always use this tool, even if it is not perfect, however it works quite well. I'm not very familiar with English. In northern Italy, German has a preference for German as a second language ... (we are close to Austria ... on the contrary, we were Germans ... (I am not a secessionist ..:).;))

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