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Glad none of these are from Alamy !!!


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Weird and un-stockimage-worthy they may be, but the first 10 or so image of the G***y lot are bloody well shot and lit! And I have to admit I find them fascinating, the image of the woman collapsed/fallen asleep over the ironing could happily be an exhibit at the Saatchi gallery and the tog would probably develop a cult following soon after. And carrot lady is a clear contender for the National Portrait Gallery. I'm only half joking....I have seen weirder things being applauded at the NPG before.

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I kind of like the one with the dog and owner both in cones (not flea collars) though I think it would be a cat that would refuse to wear one unless the person did too. Right now I am looking after a kitten who has to wear what I like to call a lampshade. He's rather fetching in it but, as an orange cat, he would look better in green than he does in blue.



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2 hours ago, funkyworm said:


Quite... experimentation is the road to discovery. I have a couple of best sellers which were "accidents" whilst playing.



Engrained in Dutch culture, it has rubbed off ;-)


Let me explain:

Sorry for the Dutch text. It's by a 18th C Dutch poet with a strong edifying streak.

Maybe I'll try my hand at a translation after a coffee.





The Joy of Learning


My playing is learning,

My learning playing,

Then why should learning be boring?

Reading and writing

give me joy.

My hoop, my spinning top

I'll change for books;

In my prints

I will pass my time.

t'Is knowledge, and virtues,

which I seek.


Hiëronymus van Alphen

from: Small poems for children



Here's to Funky, 230 years later!




edit: image is Adriaen van Ostade - The School Master

- on Alamy

- the poem with illustration on the original book page


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