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Multiple uploads QC

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I've always waited for an upload to pass through QC before uploading the next. Until a few weeks ago, when I uploaded a batch one day, then another the next before the first one passed.


I assumed the 2nd batch would ride the coat tails and pass with the first, since when you do this and get an image failure in one submission, both submissions fail together. Not that I have experience with multiple failures, but I've read posts grumbling about it.


Not so. My first passed alone, the next day the 2nd passed.

Confused. ????

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How long time between the upload of the second batch and the passing of the first one??


I usually upload small batches - the first one to place myself in the queue (sorry line on your side of the pond) - they all usually pass at the same time - sometimes the last one will have to wait until the next day. Uploads need some hours, perhaps half a day, to finish passing through the system and be prepared for the QC. The "waiting for QC" message in the "Track your submissions" is not enough.


Could this be the reason?

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How long time between the upload of the second batch and the passing of the first one??


I usually upload small batches - the first one to place myself in the queue (sorry line on your side of the pond) - they all usually pass at the same time - sometimes the last one will have to wait until the next day. Uploads need some hours, perhaps half a day, to finish passing through the system and be prepared for the QC. The "waiting for QC" message in the "Track your submissions" is not enough.


Could this be the reason?

It might very well be the reason, Niels. I think I upload the first late afternoon, then the second one probably 20 hours later.

I've just done it again. Uploaded about 11:30 pm yesterday, then again about 1:30 pm today. 14 hours apart? I'll be curious to see how it goes.

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Different uploads can join different queues . . . and, as anyone who has ever stood in a queue can testify, queues do not move at the same pace as each other .


. . . which to me explains why I have a handful of times in the past had a later submission pass before an earlier one. This has not reoccured for a little while but I assume it is still the case.



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Different uploads can join different queues . . . and, as anyone who has ever stood in a queue can testify, queues do not move at the same pace as each other .


. . . which to me explains why I have a handful of times in the past had a later submission pass before an earlier one. This has not reoccured for a little while but I assume it is still the case.



Vee-ry interesting, dd, I never heard of that. I just assumed we got the same person. My person might not be your person. That might explain why I've gotten someone without an artistic bone one time, and another time, someone who "got" it.

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I often do a small upload - and then upload 5 or 6 more batches within 36 hours of the first - they tend to all pass QC together

sometimes the last batch clears QC within minutes of being uploaded - its getting the time right for mine to tend to go through QC in 36 hours.


Means our buyers have very fresh images

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I tend to upload when I am ready whether it is 5 pics or 50 pics or 500. I do not wait until a batch has passed QC before uploading another batch(es). IMO if you have a consistently good record for passing QC first time then you should not have a problem.


If you do have issues with QC then you need to ask yourself why and decide whether it is cost effective for you to remedy those issues.




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I did go through a spell of several failures. I seem to have corrected those issues since I've now got multiple pages of greenies. For me, it was the camera system somewhat, (soft) one case of uploading a creative vintage-type image that I added grain to which failed for noise, which wasn't noise but grain that suited the vintage theme, (ARGG!) and a bit of CA that escaped my notice.

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 IMO if you have a consistently good record for passing QC first time then you should not have a problem.




With the proviso that the minimum sentence now seems to be 28 days. With 24-hour QC it's no hardship for me to wait for a batch to clear before sending the next.

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