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Payment Dates Changed?

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Have I missed something? My cleared balance of over $75 has been showing for a few weeks now that it will be paid on 1 December. Yet when I logged on this morning it says I will be paid on 1 Jan 2015. Why am I not being paid this month?


Anyone else having this problem?



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What I find a bit annoying/frustrating,  is that the payment day (if your account is in the black for 75$ or more), is the 1st of each Month, but you don't actually receive the money  in your bank account for several more days after that. Maybe the use of bank transfer,  is not the best/quickest  way of doing it?

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Yesterday afternoon it said Dec 1 and now it is Jan 1 in both places. I was actually surprised to see the Dec date yesterday because I think the last sale must have just cleared on Dec 1.  Anyway, I think I do have to wait until next month.



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