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OSX Yosimite

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I will upload Yosemite but not yet. Give it a while to settle down and have the bugs ironed out.




You anti-Yosemite, you.



Not anti just cautious. ;)



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Perhaps a dumb question,  but what in the heck is "Yosemite"  is it some form of the Australian Vegemite that has been re-invented by another country.


Do Tell  :unsure: 




Made famous to many photographers by the work of Ansel Adams 



and doesn't rhyme with vegemite - pronounced more like yosemitEE I believe

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Richard, are things in general working after installation?

I installed it on my MacBook Pro and no problems that I've noticed with Photoshop CS6. Just as fast as Mavericks. Not had time to try anything much else. 

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Hmm, which one is Australian? I once had an Australian girlfriend who ate that stuff out of the jar with a spoon. Well, she ate all my peanut butter, too. 


The Verjimmertee is Aussie. Marmitee is a British concoction.


On the peanut butter front, your ex-grilfriend sounds like a woman after my own heart. On the salty, brown, gloopy, yeasty stuff, not so much.

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Ed Rooney, on 18 Oct 2014 - 5:55 PM, said:


Hmm, which one is Australian? I once had an Australian girlfriend who ate that stuff out of the jar with a spoon. Well, she ate all my peanut butter, too. 

Now i am starting to feel sick!


Hope you don't mind me asking,  i am sure many here would like to know, did you kiss her before or after her meal? ;)



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Been using it for a few days now and no problems at all. All software (mainly use Lightroom 5 and PSCS6) and peripherals (older Canon and Epson printers) working perfectly.


I get the feeling that this version of MacOS is more about integration with IOS 8 than a major upgrade for the Mac. There certainly isn't any slowdown relative to Mavericks that I have noticed - it may even be a little bit snappier starting up the computer. But the user interface design (fonts and icons) is very different - looks like IOS 7. I quite like the interface but it's not a big deal really.

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Both Lightroom and PS CC work on Yosemite. Canon EOS Utility and DPP don't work and need an update. Adobe Bridge works, however, a pain as it doesn't recognise new images. I found Mavericks better. Yosemite loads slower to start up and shut down, and connecting to the net seems to take longer. 

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