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Compact quality (RX100 II)

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This may sound odd, but never before having owned or used a compact camera of any kind, I have now bought an RX100 Mk2 and would be curious to know whether the image quality of the sample image here seems reasonable to others - http://www.flickr.com/photos/118566095@N07/12743333575/


It was shot through glass, which obviously doesn't help - ISO 160, 1/250 @ 4.9. Modest sharpening applied (70/.5/35/10), also luminance NR of 25. I was surprised by the amount of noise at such a low ISO. Any thoughts?



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This may sound odd, but never before having owned or used a compact camera of any kind, I have now bought an RX100 Mk2 and would be curious to know whether the image quality of the sample image here seems reasonable to others - http://www.flickr.com/photos/118566095@N07/12743333575/


It was shot through glass, which obviously doesn't help - ISO 160, 1/250 @ 4.9. Modest sharpening applied (70/.5/35/10), also luminance NR of 25. I was surprised by the amount of noise at such a low ISO. Any thoughts?



Hi Alex,


the grey on grey probably doesn't help. I bought a RX100M2 at Christmas and I'm really happy with it. I find the image quality comparable to my X-Pro 1, however my shooting style has to change with the RX100M2. I have found that the degree of software processing in the camera can lead to some unexpected outcomes, and it pays to try the various settings to find what works in a given situation. Experimenting pays off I find. At night I usually shoot three images at different settings, as I find that the 'night' scene mode delivers good results in some situations, but paradoxically the anti-shake and high iso scene modes can sometimes do better.   The X-Pro1 is more SLR-like in it's usage and predictability IMHO. 

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Looks fine to me. Can you post a 100% section? There have been reports on this forum about people not liking the images from the MkII as much as the original (MkI).


Allan (a RX100 original user)

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It's fine and typical of the RX100 II in ordinary light. They do get slightly noisy. They are a challenge. They're great cameras when you work it all out. They are 10 times better than an iPhone. 


If the noise on the RX100 II bothers you, I would recommend something like Topaz DeNoise or even LR5 noise reduction. Never had a QC issue with noise on the RX yet.


They are compact, small cameras with a lot of punch for their size, they are very handy but they are definitely not Nikon D800s with G lenses attached.  ;)


Also, there are a lot of shooting options, so I would advise not to stick just with RAW. The JPeg options are a lot of fun, such as Night Shooting, Landscape, ect.

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Yes, it's the noise that bothers me a bit - if I try more luminance NR than about 25 I start to lose fine detail (foliage - not in this pic, obviously - starts to look terrible). I'm processing in LR5. Maybe Neat Image would work better, if I had the current version.



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Allan, click on 'other actions' > all sizes> original.

Sharp enough, I'd say. Rather noisy but OK at 100%.


Done that and agree with your comment.



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Yes, it's the noise that bothers me a bit - if I try more luminance NR than about 25 I start to lose fine detail (foliage - not in this pic, obviously - starts to look terrible). I'm processing in LR5. Maybe Neat Image would work better, if I had the current version.




It's the light. When you shoot in good light, you won't really notice any noise on the RX.

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That's far noisier and softer  than I get with my RX100 mk1.  The only time I seem to get noise is on the odd occasion that the metering get's 'fooled' and underexposes.





Yes, it's the noise that bothers me a bit - if I try more luminance NR than about 25 I start to lose fine detail (foliage - not in this pic, obviously - starts to look terrible). I'm processing in LR5. Maybe Neat Image would work better, if I had the current version.




It's the light. When you shoot in good light, you won't really notice any noise on the RX.


Pity - I bought it precisely to use in a wide range of circumstances. Could it be an issue with the sensor, I wonder?

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No I would doubt that it's a sensor issue. You can shoot with it in any light. Use the settings on the dial as I said earlier. Experiment with them; it's a lot of fun. It's a challenge camera, and I like that. The last images I took around Sidmouth are all RX100 II and there is some noise in there but it was no QC problem.

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Thing to realise about the RX100 is that the depth of field is huge at the wide angle end and you can use f/1.8 (or preferably f/2) with perfect focus and great sharpness so no need to underexpose or use higher ISOs, but its native ISO is 125 and I find that effectively noise-free. Also, 70 is not 'modest sharpening' - it's three times the recommended level and extreme sharpening, and will make almost any image look rough, especially combined with a high level of detail recovery, which would not be needed by this subject as it isn't finely textured.

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I have uploaded a few Rx100 Mk1 shots on Alamy and have not had a QC fail but I think they were marginal. I have not been very happy with mine so off it went to get the lens checked out, particularly after Davids comment about it should not have any fringing.

Alas, still waiting for my MK1 to come back from Sony. I will let you know if it performs any better.



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I have now uploaded 100s of images from my RX100 without failure.  I always shoot RAW and process with Elements 11.  


The only recent failure I've had was taken a couple of years ago on my Canon with 17-40 L series lens - CA which I hadn't noticed.  I get practically zero CA with my RX100 lens and forgot check thoroughly.  It was easy to correct and was re-submitted for a pass.



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