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Anyone Here Use Noise Ninja?

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Was at a dog show today and the lighting was awful and all the pics just have too much noise. Had to use ISO1600 and can't seem to clean it up right enough in ACR without softening the image too much. So I went hunting on the web for decent noise reduction software and Noise Ninja is supposed to be the best. Has anyone here used it and had good success with it?


I have installed the trail plugin in PS but instead of too soft it comes out looking like I sharpened the life out of it.


So before I spend ages working with it, just thought I would check with all the experts here and see if anyone uses it and finds it an improvement over ACR.



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I have tried it, but prefer Noiseware - much better balance between noise reduction and sharpness. Good, usable pre-sets as well make it easy to get the hang of it.




I'll have to download the free trial



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I still use Noise Ninja (NN) when I need it and I never apply it across the entire image.

I mask the area that is important to the image and then manually spot for noise

on the focus of the image.  Modern DSLR's are exceptional at capturing images

up to 3200 ISO.  These days I use NN mostly on scans from 35mm chromes. 

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I use Noise Ninja.  It works well in many cases but other times ACR does a better job.  I guess there are different types of noise and one is more suited each type.  Sometimes NN can make the image look 'plasticcy' but when it works, it works well.


I've recently started using NIC software's Dfine.  Works well and like ReeRay I particularly like the ability to be able to brush wipe selected areas without affecting the whole image

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I had use Neat Image and Noise Ninja years ago....these days, I just use Lightroom.  I have NIK Dfine but I don't even bother anymore.


Me too. I still have Noise Ninja around here somewhere, but I'm happy with the results I get from LR5. Mind you, I do not go down into dark basements, turn the lights off and start shooting. I want to get good, predictable results at ISO 800, 1,600 and occasionally at 3,200. 

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