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Stop giving our images away for a dollar!


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I would like an option to set minimum price. If buyer doesn't want to pay one of my images at that price, they can eff off. I envision image price being calculated as per now but it's below minumum price set by photographer, then offer buyer choice: Sale Price: $0.99c. Minimum price: $35.00c. Do you want to buy it? [Yes]   [No]


Alamy claims to be on the side of photographers but clearly is on the side of it's clients, who can afford to pay but why should they when Alamy says image is yours to use in multiple media, worldwide, unlimited duration for $1.61


Alamy is playing the numbers game because it makes approx a pound from a $1.70 sale, while photographer makes approx 60c. Alamy sells 1000, makes a $1000, photographer makes 2 sales out of the 1000, if lucky, so makes $1.20. 

Rights Managed

Date purchased: 10th June, 2024.

Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial, For editorial use in printed publication published by the customer and associated social media platforms and websites.
Media: Magazine - print, digital and electronic
Start: 10 June 2024
Duration: Unlimited


$ 1.61
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10 hours ago, geogphotos said:

The only way to set your own prices is to sell direct.


Good luck with that.


Thanks for the support!

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If I'm correct, the low prices are PA's way of recouping the investment in purchasing Alamy. If that's true, prices aren't going to change or be set by contributors.

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7 hours ago, Walrus said:

Thanks for the support!

is this encouraging?
you = member since 2005;
your page 1 images look salable
so add many more diverse images to reach 50/50 level;
your sub-say-$10US sales since 2005 prolly total $$thousand+
besides sub-$10US you prolly have dozens & dozens $100US+ sales...
regardless, get crackin' on that collection size, whoa Nelly !!
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I do find it a bit jarring that ones images sell for a little over $1 sometimes, so that, after commission,  you are only left with a few cents.  Yes,  true, that I'm signed up to all the various image options including novel use, so low prices are to be expected, from time to time, particularly if they are part of some sort of bargain bulk-buy, package.   But, given the effort involved in taking them in the first place, followed by editing, processing uploading and key-and finally wording then, such low prices, after commission  does seem  a bit extreme. 

Slightly off the topic of this thread, but in general, the average price per image has dropped over  the last few years, although this is somewhat compensated for, in my experience at least, buy an increase in sales volume. 

Edited by John Gaffen
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  • 1 month later...
On 13/06/2024 at 17:16, Walrus said:

I would like an option to set minimum price. If buyer doesn't want to pay one of my images at that price, they can eff off. I envision image price being calculated as per now but it's below minumum price set by photographer, then offer buyer choice: Sale Price: $0.99c. Minimum price: $35.00c. Do you want to buy it? [Yes]   [No]


Alamy claims to be on the side of photographers but clearly is on the side of it's clients, who can afford to pay but why should they when Alamy says image is yours to use in multiple media, worldwide, unlimited duration for $1.61


Alamy is playing the numbers game because it makes approx a pound from a $1.70 sale, while photographer makes approx 60c. Alamy sells 1000, makes a $1000, photographer makes 2 sales out of the 1000, if lucky, so makes $1.20. 

Rights Managed

Date purchased: 10th June, 2024.

Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial, For editorial use in printed publication published by the customer and associated social media platforms and websites.
Media: Magazine - print, digital and electronic
Start: 10 June 2024
Duration: Unlimited


$ 1.61

I've come to accept that stock photo prices are nowhere near what they used to be but recently I have had a few sales come through that show as $0!  My latest sale showing for UK Newspaper usage is for $0.16.  I have to agree with the post above - there should really be a way to set a minimum amount at which you images can be sold. Will Alamy put this in place? 

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Interesting idea! But it brings up a question ...


Let's say (hypothetically) that seventy percent of Alamy's customers spend less than ten dollars an image, and when they see this new option, they think "attempted price gouging" and walk away. Certainly, they're aware of alternatives and know that if they jump ship, they'll be welcomed with open arms by a competitor that will give them a discount and a smile.


Will Alamy be able to continue to exist on thirty percent of its former revenue? How many employees will they have to lay off?


And then, well ... photo buyers talk too. What will they say about Alamy? How about websites and publications geared towards them?





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6 hours ago, Brian Yarvin said:

Interesting idea! But it brings up a question ...


Let's say (hypothetically) that seventy percent of Alamy's customers spend less than ten dollars an image, and when they see this new option, they think "attempted price gouging" and walk away. Certainly, they're aware of alternatives and know that if they jump ship, they'll be welcomed with open arms by a competitor that will give them a discount and a smile.


Will Alamy be able to continue to exist on thirty percent of its former revenue? How many employees will they have to lay off?


And then, well ... photo buyers talk too. What will they say about Alamy? How about websites and publications geared towards them?






You are assuming that customers can get the images they want elsewhere. Well maybe they can maybe they can't but if they can't then they would have to stump up. As for staff, well, photographers aren't in the business of providing images to keep people in a job whilst buying equipment and receiving next to nothing in return. Put it another way, if suppliers stop supplying because it's not profitable, how long will those same staff have jobs. Right now Alamy and customers are laughing all the way to the bank. All contributors are asking for is a fair crack of the whip, which at a few cents, they're not getting.

Edited by Sultanpepa
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17 hours ago, Brian Yarvin said:

Interesting idea! But it brings up a question ...


Let's say (hypothetically) that seventy percent of Alamy's customers spend less than ten dollars an image, and when they see this new option, they think "attempted price gouging" and walk away. Certainly, they're aware of alternatives and know that if they jump ship, they'll be welcomed with open arms by a competitor that will give them a discount and a smile.


Will Alamy be able to continue to exist on thirty percent of its former revenue? How many employees will they have to lay off?


And then, well ... photo buyers talk too. What will they say about Alamy? How about websites and publications geared towards them?






This "Will Alamy be able to continue to exist on thirty percent of its former revenue? How many employees will they have to lay off?" has been my view for some time now, the race to the bottom. The only way some are likely to survive is having no sales staff, no one answering phones and only online licensing. Contributors are already reluctant to put themselves out for peanuts. What further is there?

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I sense that buyers do still come to Alamy for images that they can't get elsewhere but are able to demand lower fees than we would like. Alamy has to always try to please its buyers because it wants to hold ( and attempt to build) market share.


At my other place the vast majority of fees are micro-priced ( not a micro agency) and it used to be that this was salvaged by a few decent sales from 'walk in' buyers who paid full dollar. But that doesn't really happen any more. Probably because there is always some other option and they simply go elsewhere - could be to Alamy.


I agree that the future is not bright. Prices for everything are going up and up - except for stock photography. And I can't see an obvious way of increasing market size. 


What can one do except struggle on. As I've said I make more from chasing infringements than from Alamy sales!


As for younger people - why would they want to get involved in all this nonsense apart from a bit of fun (which soon wears off!) ?

Edited by geogphotos
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6 hours ago, Brian Yarvin said:

These are exactly the questions I'm wrestling with and why I made the post. 



Brian, I think we just carry on and hope for the best.


It's too late for us addicts  😄

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2 hours ago, Steve Valentia said:

He's a bully and has been for years. Ignore him.



Just tried to help you on a question you asked on another thread.


Wish that I hadn't bothered. 


The red arrow is from me.

Edited by geogphotos
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