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Up to today, I also had to log-in each time I re-started my PC.  Noticed today though that I've stayed logged in.  Not sure if someone changed something, but saves a little time.  Thanks.

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Related to this post - I find this really annoying. -  When I get an email alerting me to a reply to a topic I have subscribed to on any part of the Forum, and I click on the link to it, the correct page opens and I can read the replies. But I can't post a reply without logging in. I'm happy with that, but what is so irritating is that having logged in I am back at the basic 'Home' page of the Forum, and have to find the right part of the Forum and the right thread again before I can reply.


Please could the sign-in then take you back to where you were, on-topic. Please!?


I think this should be in the Forum section so I have re-posted it there as a new topic.

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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.



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I've got the opposite problem which has been there since the new forum started - I don't want to stay signed in but the only way I can sign out (in Firefox and Safari, Mac) is to clear all the recent history. I've got it set not to save passwords. I log out and next time I start Firefox and come back to the forum I am logged in again automatically. I've never seen this behaviour before with any other site including the main Alamy site - I'm glad it doesn't happen for my internet banking.

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I'm finding that I am having to log in each time too now, even though there have been no changes at all on my system.

Using IE8.



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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Ditto that, 

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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Sigh...another red card just for stating a fact!!!  

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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Sigh...another red card just for stating a fact!!!  

You need to explain that!

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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Sigh...another red card just for stating a fact!!!  

Welcome to the new improved model Sheila :-) I noticed even some of the good souls who go to all the trouble of finding and reporting contributors' images in the "images found" thread get a red vote for all their trouble. Talk about pathetic. But apparently that's just one of rooley trooley good things about the new forum . . . sigh



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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Sigh...another red card just for stating a fact!!!  

You need to explain that!

Sheila's post about using Chrome (quoted above) attracted a negative vote.



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It really annoyed me on the old forum that I had to log in each time I used it, even though I had ticked the 'keep logged in' button.


I'm also finding that I have to log in each time on this forum too. I don't know if it's a browser setting (i'm using IE7) or something else.



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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Sigh...another red card just for stating a fact!!!  

You need to explain that!

Sheila's post about using Chrome (quoted above) attracted a negative vote.



Vote! you mean people can vote if they don't like your post? WOW that's PC gone mad..... good thing I have no intention of posting a lot I'd be very negative, Sheila, I'm with you as I ditto'd long live the freedom of speech:angry:



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I used Chrome for the old forum and also the new forum and I have not changed settings in Chrome but I still have to log in every time I use the forum after closing Alamy.  So its not the browser.




Sigh...another red card just for stating a fact!!!  

You need to explain that!

Sheila's post about using Chrome (quoted above) attracted a negative vote.



Vote! you mean people can vote if they don't like your post? WOW that's PC gone mad..... good thing I have no intention of posting a lot I'd be very negative, Sheila, I'm with you as I ditto'd long live the freedom of speech:angry:



Careful, David, you might risk the wrath of the somewhat moronic voter!! Maybe Alamy should advise these sort of folk to get their head back in! Maybe the red negative should be linked to the presently anonymous "voter" who at the moment, don't have the guts to openly disagree with the post!

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Definition of a Forum: A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.


​I don't really give a s***! I have never seen anything positive or constructive come from this place or the other! and now members can stab you in the back for no good reason and without declaring why they may disagree with your views...., this really is like the old Roman forum where Caesar got the knifing! 


So who the heck stole DEMOCRACY?




PS. Sheila just tried to balance the scales by giving you a couple of up points, just as I think the negatives were unwarranted so were my positives! but the scales of justice swing both ways  :D

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This suggestions thread has been completely derailed.


A whole thread about the reputation/voting system can be read here. We've made numerous comments about it there and have nothing to add to it for now, including what was said in this thread.


Regarding the issue that this thread is actually about, the sign in requirement, this is very likely due to be browser specific to each user, however we are going over the code to make sure there are no errors our side. If there are, we will notify you of changes.


This topic will now be locked due to the off-topic comments. 





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