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Texas, US-- court rules legal for Govt. to steal your copyrighted material

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That’s just about as good as a case here recently in which a cyclist who knocked over a woman who stepped out into the road while looking at her phone was deemed to have been held responsible. Cyclists must always be aware of unpredictable events, apparently.

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11 hours ago, Sally said:

That’s just about as good as a case here recently in which a cyclist who knocked over a woman who stepped out into the road while looking at her phone was deemed to have been held responsible. Cyclists must always be aware of unpredictable events, apparently.


Yes that is a crazy ruling I think. Expect people to start jumping out in front of cyclists and trying to claim. Third party insurance for cyclists may be essential. Will cyclicide become the latest craze? 

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To be fair the judge in the cyclist's case found the responsibility to be 50/50 - but as she is suing and he isn't she gets half the compensation it would have been if he had been totally at fault.  As to why she should get any at all is beyond me.

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23 hours ago, Sally said:

That’s just about as good as a case here recently in which a cyclist who knocked over a woman who stepped out into the road while looking at her phone was deemed to have been held responsible. Cyclists must always be aware of unpredictable events, apparently.


When I rode bicycles for fitness and commuting, I had a couple of close calls because the driver or pedestrian saw a bicycle coming and mentally calculated that my speed was something like 7 mph rather than 20 mph. 


In some neighborhoods in the US and here in Nicaragua, stepping in front of traffic to play insurance roulette is a thing already.  My brother was just behind a pickup truck that a kid darted into.  We'd seen kids running dangerously close to cars when he was taking me to work.  The accident happened when he was driving home.  A big payoff for the kid and or his family, no doubt.

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