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Alamy in Spanish?

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This morning Alamy decided to display their home page in Spanish. Now everything is in Spanish. Yes, I am in Spain. No, I do not speak Spanish, nor did I ask for this change. I see no way to get back to English.





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24 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

This morning Alamy decided to display their home page in Spanish. Now everything is in Spanish. Yes, I am in Spain. No, I do not speak Spanish, nor did I ask for this change. I see no way to get back to English.






I am in Spain also but when going to Alamy.com it displays in English like always. If I search in google for alamy the first page is always the Spanish one.

I speak Spanish but I prefer the English version.


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I'm in Spain and it gives me a choice at the top of the page (like the cookie pop-up) which I dismiss.

On the main page there is a language choice button next to the blog one at the top, but it only offers English and German.

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Hola, Roma ad Michael


I restarted my MacBook and Alamy went back to English.


I have a little travel Spanish, but that doesn't help much in my search for an apartment or when I went to the University Hospital to try to get a flu shot. They found me one nurse who spoke Italian, which I do speak.  I encounter young people on the streets here in Seville who speak English, and we talk about beer and tapas and their dogs, but the people I really need to speak QE2's language do not. No doctors who speak English? That's scary. 


Is it just me that is being plagued right now with endless demands to update everything? 



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I have several pressing issues that require immediate help. Learning Spanish is a long term project. And as I've said, I already have some basic travel Spanish. 


And yes -- I know about that school:  https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://www.eoisevilla.com/&prev=search

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

Hola, Roma ad Michael


I restarted my MacBook and Alamy went back to English.


I have a little travel Spanish, but that doesn't help much in my search for an apartment or when I went to the University Hospital to try to get a flu shot. They found me one nurse who spoke Italian, which I do speak.  I encounter young people on the streets here in Seville who speak English, and we talk about beer and tapas and their dogs, but the people I really need to speak QE2's language do not. No doctors who speak English? That's scary. 


Is it just me that is being plagued right now with endless demands to update everything? 




Well, it is said that Spain is a country where everyone studies English but nobody speaks it. :D

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On 11/11/2018 at 04:10, Ed Rooney said:

I have several pressing issues that require immediate help. Learning Spanish is a long term project. And as I've said, I already have some basic travel Spanish. 


And yes -- I know about that school:  https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://www.eoisevilla.com/&prev=search



I found that the best help can be from bilingual nationals (I'm in Nicaragua) and from longer established expats.   There are general FB expat pages by the dozens for even smaller countries.  Join one for Seville and ask for help.  Many people will interpret for a beer and a meal, especially for a chance to meet newcomers. 


The expat community also knows where to buy all sorts of things.  

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