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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Thank you for picking 3 of mine. wim
  2. 20 for $444 gross Worst month for sales this year. Second worst for $$. $ 34 total for 3 infringements. wim
  3. Which has very funny keywords. However clients don't use funny search terms to look for images. Just walkie talkie building London is fine. Four whole searches for the rolling year btw. A couple more for it's real name: 20 Fenchurch Street. Most clients seem to want the garden. No searches for the Carbuncle Cup it won in 2015. I quite like the sticking out like a sore thumb aka elephant on a garden party esthetic / aestethics of David's image. It could quite well work. The red bus passing by is a good prop. Lots of different views on the first pages here on Alamy for Walkie talkie building London, even from the same viewpoint but no casual ones like this. Maybe deeper down in the results. So everything will depend on it's rank. wim
  4. I don't have hoods on my Eizos. But sometimes I do get too much flare where I am sitting right now. (My main workstation is on wheels.) My solution is to use some of the styrofoam (expanded polystyrene - EPS) panels from the studio which are matte black on one side and white on the other. Because they're so light they easily balance on top of the two monitors that sit at a slight angle. They interfere somewhat with the speakers though. And they obstruct the little Ikea spotlight that's currently directed at the keyboard from above. wim
  5. I agree. However on the streets it's a different thing with people using the then new Google instant translate very early on a couple years back. wim
  6. Not a whole lot of Japanese people like to speak/read/write English. Not that different from German or French people 20 or 30 years ago. Do you research Japanese, German or French subjects in their respective languages? And that's even not thinking of having to deal with invoices in foreign languages. And then there's subscriptions; bulk deals or preferred partnership. I had some nice book and tv sales to Japan. And some Japanese subjects to the ROW. One of my nicest covers is a Japanese book. And yest it's a distributor sale. For not a whole lot of money either. Still I like it a lot. So sometimes there's that aspect too. Vanity. wim
  7. Sorry I'm a bit late to the discussion, but why not just follow the on-screen instruction? Your link to the drivers page looks like it's all one would need. Including a how to instruction. Adobe US has a similar page, but out of date. It could be that there's a proprietary driver, in which case the Intel install will give a warning and I think abort. In that case the manufacturer of the laptop surely has drivers online somewhere. Jeff, I don't think Adobe still has phone help other than sales. They do have chat though. Not sure it is still a real person, but I think so. When I was an Enterprise client someone came over. 😁 Times long gone. Edo, thank you for alerting me. I had not seen nor used the AI de-noise yet. Some of the Neural filters include de-noising and smoothing as well. But I hadn't looked under the ACR Detail header yet. Or just hadn't noticed. Besides I am copying old family photos all at 100 ISO. The de-noise is rubbish for that, and most of the time so is the AI/Neural Photo Restoration filter, except when all of a sudden it's brilliant. wim
  8. Another one too low for a coffee: Worldwide Editorial Website app and social media Unlimited Not Finland nor China, but UK: editorial use digital and social media platforms associated to Global Radio titles So if you happen to see it on a giant billboard somewhere, please let me know. - I had to look up Global. (Global Media & Entertainment) this led me down the rabbit hole to the owner (and his father) and his flat. The entrance and the pool are here on Alamy. wim
  9. Worldwide Editorial Website, app and social media Unlimited barely $$ Argentinian soccer fans. wim edit: Search term: football argentina Total zooms: 2 edit2: I love this image. Currently it sits on page 12 for this search term. My Pseudonym Summary says: Total views 100. This image has sold before and 4 more from this series have sold. However the one from this series that comes up on page 1 for football argentina has never sold before. And is not all that great. There are no images of mine between page 1 and page 12 and the series is quite old: 2006. I have just edited my keywords a bit: soccer/football - oops. edit3: Next day: the new keywords have worked: Order has been restored. 😅 phew.
  10. It would not work with the Apple. Nor with many consumer products like cars, washing-up liquid or soda bottles. It's not just the logo or the name. This is being discussed on the micros for 23 years now. wim
  11. And one more Finland editorial web use for mid $. Pharmacy. first time for this one. wim
  12. And then there's RF-Editorial Only: leave it in. wim
  13. Having access is always interesting. And it's almost impossible to compete on the main topics of the day with the agencies that are constantly sending images from their cameras and have a desk that sends the best stuff out while it is happening. Even when that desk may well be in the press village as well. Here's the specialized agency that had those images: https://www.corvospro.com/stories.aspx?INIT=X&CATEG=15019000 Note that that Cor Vos Agency has images from two different photographers of almost the same moment. And I have seen the same image from yet another photographer. So while it maybe wasn't the defining moment, in the end it became the defining image. My examples were just to show what sort of images will be used to describe or define the race later on. And mostly with cycling it's the winner on the finish line. Then it's the winner on the podium. And maybe something about the main battle or the biggest tragedy and maybe something about the most dramatic stage of the race. Preferably all in one. For illustrating the race later on the rest will be useless. However there may well be other uses for individual images, like indeed good portraits or something like safety which at the moment is a big issue in the sport. An overhead view of someone missing a corner would have been interesting in that respect. But truth be told, most, if not all, will probably not see a lot of use. I have seen and shot some cycle races, including at least one notable Tour de France stage, and they can be over like Mr Standfast said in a blink. (I'm somewhere next to or opposite the Simpson monument around 1.15 of that video, but cannot find myself after all those years) wim
  14. Oops. It is not an Alamy exclusive, but I very much doubt it's really public domain image. That's either a wrong box ticked in the AIM or a misunderstanding of the term. The explanation given under the sprite ? may not be clear to everyone. Or people may even not click on it. I agree: great image. And great light! Which is sometimes lacking in some of the other images. About distorted architectural images: I once got a substantial commission because of those. However it does need to serve a purpose: bringing out the character of the building or conveying the mood of the image. wim
  15. Wow! And before spending it you did take a picture of your hand holding that ticket. Maybe even going through the door of that store or going through the aisles. For some well-deserved double dipping. 😁 wim
  16. Have a hard look on what sort of images have been published in relation to this race. And what sort of images of individual riders are being used. On Google Images just try Kopecky Edinburgh or Vollering Edinburgh first. Those were two favorites riding on the same commercial team, but for different countries. Both absolute cycle crazy countries: Belgium and the Netherlands, so there's your story. And indeed most outlets have that single image of those two battling it out. If they run images at all besides the obvious podium shots. The other interesting image of the Montrose 20% street has already been used in the men's race, but also comes up a couple of times, so that may be of some interest. Individual riders: mostly images of the person alone, or in a close battle and (preferably victorious) on the finish line. Always facing the viewer. While winner Kopecky finished 7 seconds and hundreds of yards ahead of Vollering and Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig, this moment (3 different images at least) was featured in most outlets. Plus a couple of Vollering and Kopecky hugging. One moment that didn't make the cut, but did in some videos, was reigning world champion Annemiek van Vleuten getting a flat 3 times during the race. Probably no one has a dramatic image of one of those moments. Or last year's champion is just not interesting any more. So I would keep one or two that show the general layout of the race with a good cityscape preferably of Montrose St. Plus a couple of riders facing you with full names, but only if the image stands a chance compared to other images of those riders on Alamy. And bin the rest. But maybe you have some more general images of preparations or crowds or safety issues that merit a second look? wim edit 2: Glasgow! Not Edinburgh! Seconds! Not minutes! 👴 I even saw the hotel we've stayed in, in the video. It's overlooking the final loop. 🙄
  17. Ahh yes, The All of Alamy Measures. Even trying to see the rolling year it says: 504 Gateway Time-out. However put in a search term and setting it back to the rolling years it still works. But clicking on the columns and there's the Houston we have an unexpected error again. I bet it's those Russians. wim
  18. Thank you! Good the priest is just a silhouette. Beware the power-mad priests. wim
  19. Thank you! What a story. A power-mad priest, who would have thought. wim
  20. Caption: Diesel Locomotives 😁 Watch out for the quirky way the Alamy Image Manager works. It's (far too) easy to forget to de-select an image. Make sure you describe in the caption what there is to see in the image. Like: 2RD1DYA Tram to Pöstlingberg on the Hauptplatz or Main Square in Linz Austria. Yours: Pöstlingbergbberg tram. At the moment Pöstlingberg or Postlingberg makes no difference. But there have been times it did. British English will probably have In the square. On is US English. We have to include both spellings. The main market is probably the UK, but a big chunk of the rest of the world speaks/writes US English, also thanks to the various spell checkers. Not many searches for Tram Linz, but not many images on Alamy either. How do we know? All of Alamy or AoA for short. (You have to be logged in. There's also a link on your dashboard.) Try Linz and %Linz% (and some of your other subjects). Set the date as far back as possible; at the moment: Aug 01 2022. The %% are a database thing. It shows us all searches by paying customers of Alamy. Many instructions can be found on this forum. There's also a short explanation on the page itself. Oh and your a bit gloomy Saint Peters Basilica (2RFHJBT) is not the one in the Vatican, but rather the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls (Italian: Basilica Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura) wim
  21. What happened to LAMBOGO in the end? Do you have one? They seem to have vanished and the comments say it was a scam. wim
  22. 2018 Chevy Tahoe parked on mountain road in Yosemite. Worldwide editorial only across customers website and associated social channels. Mid $. The other: Neon sign Amsterdam. PU. Impressions, cartes et cadeaux ou référence aux artistes. Usage non commercial uniquement. Non destinée à la revente. Low $$. Both first time sellers. wim edit: the search term for the car was Chevy
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