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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. The cobwebs on the signs and the post are clearly visible. They are not the sort of sharp that comes out of Photoshop though. In ACR I would give it at least 15% sharpening more than it has now. It could be QR thinks it's over-processed, which I think it is: a bit too much noise suppression going on. That could well be the culprit for giving the image a slightly smeared sort of sharpness. I noticed there is no camera or lens metadata present in the file. QR maybe doesn't like that too much either. Does Apple Photos strip the Exif data? wim
  2. Thank you, yes. I use the Word equivalent sometimes to read ancient OS/2 and Linux documents. Have not tried the other apps though. Will look into it. I have not tried my other station yet. Because it is not allowed to go over to Windows 11, all my text based programs are probably still safe and running. Including a PowerPoint version and probably also an Excel version from 10 years ago. wim
  3. Learn how to use All of Alamy to see if clients are actually searching for the subjects in your images. See what clients are looking for when they search for %Turkey% or %Dyarbakir%. The explanation by Alamy: This tool allows you to see all searches from customers who have spent money on Alamy within a specified date range. If you are contemplating which images to submit* to Alamy, you can use this tool to research how often a subject is requested and how many sales, zooms and views were recorded. Please note that the link from each search term displays the current search results for a particular word or phrase. * or which keywords to use (wim) Could it be keywords? Or just the subjects? Study the searches in which your images come up and assess the competition. Also check if there is any interest at all in your subjects. Even with some great images, if there are no takers, you're screwed. You do know how to use AoA or All of Alamy in full? (Many instructions on this forum.) Put the date back as far as it will go, which at the moment is 01-Oct-2022. You are now searching the rolling year. Tomorrow the date will be 01-Nov-2022 and it will stay that way the whole month. Put a keyword or -phrase in the Search Term box like this: %diyarbakir%. The %% are a database thing. Try your search term with and without %% to see what they are doing. Like photo montage; %photo montage% ; %photo%montage%. For %dyarbakir% you get these searches in 12 months: diyarbakir 3 Diyarbakir singer 1 newroz Diyarbakir dancing 1 newroz Diyarbakir tanz 1 tear gas diyarbakir 1 2F4MG97 Diyarbakir 1 dance Diyarbakir, Newroz 1 dancing Diyarbakir, Newroz 1 Diyarbakir celebrate Newruz 2022 1 Diyarbakir dengbêj 1 Diyarbakir festivities 1 Diyarbakir festivities 2022 1 diyarbakir fortress 1 Diyarbakir newruz 1 diyarbakir turkey 1 Diyarbakir Tuul and Bruno Morandi 1 Neujahrsfest Diyarbakir 1 party dance Diyarbakir, Newroz 1 Diyarbakir celebrate 2022 1 diyarbakir turkey tigris 1 Kurdish New Year Diyarbakir 1 Kurdistan, Diyarbakir, Newroz 1 newroz Diyarbakir 1 Diyarbakir celebrate Newruz 1 Diyarbakir Prison 1 Neujahrstanz Diyarbakir 1 Neujahrstänze in Diyarbakir 1 newroz Diyarbakir dance 1 turkish troops diyarbakir 1 Nothing more. You have 628 images of the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne. There are 3,274 images of that Selimiye Mosque on Alamy in total. 4,655 of any Selimiye Mosque. Look at all images that are on Alamy of that mosque. Now pick the 3 of your images that are better than all the others. Delete all the rest. And you may sell some of those 3 if they appear on the first page. Another method: pick your 3 best ones and start deleting other images of that mosque until those three appear on the first page if you search for Edirne Selimiye Mosque. All searches for %Edirne% : Edirne 2 edirne 2HA17AE 1 edirne city 1 Edirne turkey 1 edirne old mosque 1 And for %Selimiye Mosque% : Selimiye Mosque 1 Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex 1 Selimiye Mosque night 1 Selimiye mosque, nicosia cyprus 1 A search for %Cizre% : cizre bridge 1 All year. Now do searches like that on all your subjects like Qom or Isfahan. And note what clients are looking for and which keywords they are using for that. Note that names of places can be written differently in different countries. Like Isfahan is also written Ispahan. Use things like wikipedia for that. Also remember to use UK and American English spelling and words. I do not agree with the advice to always straighten buildings. (Converging verticals.) It's good to give clients a choice, but it's just a style thing. It is true that most Architecture Guides/Magazines/Books will expect buildings being straight. But even those sometimes use an image with converging verticals or a sloping horizon. Just to bring out a certain impression of the building. Like Brutalist or Scary Architecture (today is Halloween in some parts of the world). wim
  4. Thank you. I had never thought about the 365 not accepting images. It seems it has been re-introduced to 365 this year (last July? August?). Announcement here. I may look into it again when my current problems have been solved. My Excel now all of a sudden has (Unlicensed Product) next to it's name in the header. Maybe that was the repair. There seems to be no place to insert one's owner key or activation code any more. Oh well. Wait: You're invited to try Microsoft 365 for free. It's raining anyway, so I may just as well do a quick Google search on this. I suspect the unexpected and unsolicited Win10>Win11 upgrade has converted my existing 365? home use? license into a free trial version and the free period is now over. I am so tempted to hit the uninstall button. wim edit: it turns out my existing product was called Office 365. The current is Microsoft 365 and yes they somehow did a switcheroo somewhere.
  5. Yes I do a similar thing, but less fancy. Because I have not been able to incorporate everything I want into an Excel sheet, I'm keeping my total sales by image in a flat document until I find a way. My requirements are quite simple: a list of sales by image ordered with the best selling to the least selling one. But it has to include a thumbnail. Just not on every row, but only one for each image. Individual sales must be listed old to new or new to old, but have to stay in that order. And I want additional info like distributor or affiliate sales. Plus camera and lens data. Not f-stops of course, just which lens and sometimes which technique in a different field. It looks like Microsoft has just disabled all my bought Office 365 programs. No Word or PowerPoint either. No trace in my Microsoft account. It's probably forcing subscription down our throats. Oh the times when we just had WordPerfect and Ventura. And you owned what you bought. wim
  6. Yes, but how do you do that with the Balance of account data? I don't see a way of extracting the data. Besides my Excel is greeting me today with: We're sorry but Excel has run into an error that is preventing me from working correctly. Excel will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now? Of course I clicked the Yes button. And clicked it the next time and the next and so on. Nothing happens. wim
  7. Magazine up to 2 million. Duration: One week; Pub date: 23/09/2023 Higher $$ People doing things (checking for diseases and defects) in the tulip fields. wim edit: UK
  8. I'm guessing the term sales in Total sales is not correct. wim
  9. It is the same as clicking the Account balance button on your dashboard page which brings you to Balance of account and then changing the time period to All. There is no download button and the page is not interactive so no sorting or filtering. Early on my accountant said it was totally unhelpful. But it does let you track events in case something has gone wrong or you have to search for an affiliate sale or a distributor percentage. wim
  10. Try this. You have to be logged in. It should give you your complete history. So if anything has gone wrong, you can at least see when it started. wim
  11. Life guard station in Long Beach Ca with Island Chaffee in the distance. Island Chaffee is an offshore oil production facility disguised as a palm tree clad island. It's one of four so-called THUMS man-made islands. PU. First time for this 2011 image. One more of those October images that had never been sold. wim
  12. Here's a video about how to deal with that. More funny accents. I have an iPhone 5s here somewhere (2013?) that may be compatible up to 12.5.6. If it can still hold any charge I may try it too. I like the form factor of the small iPhone. My current Xiaomi is much more powerful and far cheaper than that, but also much too big for a regular jeans pocket. wim
  13. Google Lens is supported on iPhone 5S and later models. Best is iOS 10 or later. One Youtube video; a second Youtube video. (Sorry about the accents.) 17 Ways To Use Google Lens by one of the interns. (youtube 2021) wim
  14. No you need your phone. You can do it with a picture as well if you already have one. Start Google Lens. If you have an iPhone, you have to download the app first. On an Android phone, just start it. (Lots of youtube videos available. This one -four years ago- but still ok.) Point your phone at the tree and press the button. wim
  15. Have you tried Google Lens? wim
  16. TCS here. On Alamy. 3 Insta. 2107 Youtube. 68 Facebook. Business Insider: $120,000 and up. wim
  17. If you're an oyster lover. And / Or like train rides: the Empire Builder; the Capitol Limited. wim
  18. Thank you! You know where it is and that it's a nice place: R206EE I have 2 more candidates from the Brookside Gardens holiday lights left for the Never Sold List. So whether it's worth it to take a camera? Otoh holiday lights displays are a perennial feature in all sorts of publications. We had never experienced drive-thru displays, so we went to some a lot of those. And coming back home I started a modest display of my own. Since our own big tree has died, the lights have moved over to the tree on the sidewalk. (Which is also our own, but that's another hilarious story.) wim edit: Google Maps had a daylight image last year. Note the Google camera car selfie.
  19. Worldwide Magazines and books 2,500 inside In perpetuity Mid $$. Brookside Gardens Christmas LED lights display in Wheaton MD (near DC). First time for this one from December 26, 2006. It almost made the list of the oldest one that did not sell. 😁 wim
  20. +1 for the NYT. The Post - not any more. Do they have a $1/week deal? Maybe it's worth to have a look again. Had images in both btw. I think the Times forgot to pay for this one last year. The Post used to pay decent rates. wim
  21. Thank you! Well spotted. wim edit: Here's a totally different photographer: Dan Winters. It's a one and half hour podcast, but it's written out as well. He has lived on Mulberry and used to frequent A Photographers Place. Maybe we should have/revive a thread about interesting finds at the bottom of the Photography Rabbit Hole.
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