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Looking at All of Alamy sales in ‘measures’ there are 11 sales for the search ‘alamytestimage’. 


Puzzled as to why anyone would search/buy using that search term?

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15 minutes ago, Inchiquin said:

But surely Alamy engineers wouldn't be on the list of preferred customers? They would know that any test searches would skew CTR and rankings.



I think that the list of 'preferred customers' is much bigger than we think.

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5 hours ago, Cryptoprocta said:

I think that the list of 'preferred customers' is much bigger than we think.


It might be, but it's under Alamy's control and I can't believe they would put their own test engineers on it. Doesn't make sense.



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Sometimes bugs in software can be hard to track down and reproduce in a test or development environment and so occasionally the best course is to reproduce it in production.


There are only 33 images which are returned by the search engine in response to a search for the tag "alamytestimage" of which 7 have text over them like this:

alamytestimage - Stock Image


As for the remaining images in the 33 which are not "Alamy's", you have to wonder why a contributor would use the tag "alamytestimage". So hopefully this isn't really impacting too many peoples' CTR.



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Three of the images look identical but their captions are:


BH6EG4 ALAMYTESTIMAGE*NOTFORSALE* ReadOnly switiching issue testing

Stock Photo - BH6EG4 ALAMYTESTIMAGE*NOTFORSALE* Read only test. Don't delete - used for monitoring


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