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Have you found any Alamy photographs November 2016

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You're welcome Malcolm.

Times 10th

P21 H84WR6 Hawick, Scottish Borders, UK. 9th November 2016. The Duke of Buccleuch Hunt hold their opening meet in the snow near Hawick in the Scottish Borders. © Chris Strickland / Alamy Live News

P44 Andrew Gransden CER569 or CEW99D Electricity company workers repairing damage overhead power lines damaged in snow storm silhouetted against the setting sun

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Guardian  online

EY90KN  Soheila Sanamno Father and child on the Netravati express train
D5W3NJ  Chris Hellier The viaduct at Tende Roya Valley, on the Nice-Cuneo Line in France.
F0M2JR  Novarc Images Flamsbana railway
FJ0P8B  kpzfoto Kukushka railway
BBKJM0 WilliamRobinson Train above Porthminster beach, near St Ives
EWCTKF Xinhua A train runs through the desert in Turpan, north-west China.
FXHP9F   nik wheeler The Amtrak Surfliner near Carpinteria.

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Telegraph 10/11/2016


CRATK9   imageBROKER  / Michael Runkel    Facade of an apartment block with balconies, Yerevan, Armenia, Middle East
B6NC40  Dennis Cox   Mt. Ararat, snow capped dormant volcano and site of Noah Biblical story, partially obscured by clouds
ECF301     Veeravong Komalamena    Geghardavank or Geghard monastery is an Orthodox Christian monastery located in Kotayk Province of Armenia

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Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p10, Calton Hill in Edinburgh, DEN1GD, tim gartside
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p10, Castlelaw Hill near Edinburgh, AFFTED, Phil Seale
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p10, Arthur's Seat in snow, D4RGK2, allan wright
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p11, Cramond Island causeway, C6DMBC, stargatechris
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p26, summit of Snowdon, B7PGK1, Eye Candy Images 4
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p44, Postman Pat, B9AFHE, Ray Evans
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p45, post bus near Aberystwyth, ADY04D, Jeff Morgan 11
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p47, post being delivered, B6PN0W, Charles Robertson
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p48, Glastonbury Tor, D7Y7YC, Chris Beard Images
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p48, Skirrid Mountain near Abergavenny, AEBJT3, The Photolibrary Wales
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, pp50-51, Arundel, F5JENH, Robert Maynard
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p52, Arundel Cathedral, EMD021, travellinglight
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p53, Arundel Castle & River Arun, A3P2AE, Derek Payne
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p55, Arundel Christmas tree, F5EKHY, Robert Maynard
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p61, Burnmoor Tarn, D4RYAB, Jon Sparks
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p61, Innominate Tarn, BCGAN8, Michael Arthur Thompson
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p64, Heddon's Mouth, B08H09, Adam Burton
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p64, Great Hangman on Exmoor, BYBTEJ, Derek Stone
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p65, Highveer Point above Heddon's Mouth, AWYXK6, The National Trust Photolibrary
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p69, Lake Siljan in Sweden, C5C32C, Robert Matton AB
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, Country Walking, p72, Pavey Ark, AX0NCF, Ashley Cooper

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Guardian  online

CX589H  Peter Grimmett Hedgehog infested with ticks

GG19RA  Cathyrose Melloan Lagunilla market

D2X6DF Agencja Fotograficzna Caro/Andreas Muhs  Musicians playing in the Munich’s central Marienplatz.
H6352A  Sergey Borisov Munich
EYG0GE Johann Hinrichs  Hirschgarten beer garden
D7Y7FD  Tony Tallec Man exit sign doorway


Telegraph  online

DW7H71 John Richmond Tulipa Gavotta
B314D1  foodfolio immature figs
A6ER1F  Nigel Cattlin  Couch grass
E455KD  Bloom Pictures Prunus incisa 'Kojo No Mai'

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Telegraph 11/11/2016


DYBTM3    Don Smetzer   The Gemini Giant statue in Wilmington, Illinois, a town along Route 66
F42P8R    Jerome Gorin   Sign marking the beginning of Historic Route 66 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p4, telephone box and post box in snow, EFJEGE, Ann and Steve Toon [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p5 & p98, parsnip soup, F6BH6J, Bon Appetit [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p43, Christmas pudding, CXBJXH, RTimages [Alamy credit only]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p49, West of England goose, BYF34G, petographer [Alamy credit only]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p50, cocker spaniel, CMRFGK, petographer [Alamy credit only]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p94, Farringford House, AAK3A0, Classic Image [Alamy credit only]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p109, Christmas tree in Land Rover, E8AR5R, Cultura Creative (RF) [Alamy credit only]
Dec 2016 Issue, UK, NFU Countryside, p110, poinsettia, CBH1N1, Oleksiy Maksymenko Photography [Alamy credit only]

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11/11/2016, UK, London Evening Standard, p39, Kandace Springs, G8EA0G, Francesca Moore [Alamy credit only]
11/11/2016, UK, London Evening Standard, p53, Ambury monument in NZ, GHK33W, Stephen Sykes [Alamy credit only]

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India's Scandinavian Secret


GDR1PF  Paramvir Singh / Alamy Stock Photo



ET1NMB  Dinodia Photos / Alamy Stock Photo



B8HP12  travelib prime / Alamy Stock Photo



A couple of others credited to Alamy appear to be from a French collection which isn't (or isn't any longer) represented by Alamy.

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Guardian  online

A3W6AT Dominic Harris Trans Siberian Express in Winter.
E1W4BH Tuul and Bruno Morandi Trans Siberian train, view through window.
DDH18T YAY Media AS/Sergejs Rahunoks Butterscotch
CNN3AF  Vitaliy Pakhnyushchyy Clenched fist
Telegraph online

ARP6PJ  Nigel Cattlin Brown garden lawn.
CW01WH Creative Control Japanese sedge.
E15WMC Carole Drake Iris sibirica ‘Tropic Night’

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Times Weekend 12th Nov

Page 19. American Pin Oak



EBT29W   Photo Blickwinkel




Pg 20 Redcurrant Stanza



E4B563   Photo Tim Gainey



Blackcurrant Ben Sarek   (cropped)



AR1DPW     Photo   J.F.T.L Images

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A couple of others credited to Alamy appear to be from a French collection which isn't (or isn't any longer) represented by Alamy.


You may not able to see it because it's restricted. There's a big German collection, often spotted here, which I cannot see.



C10HA4 - Hornbil Images/WANDERLUST



E2A103 - GUIZIOU Franck / hemis.fr



E2A11E - GUIZIOU Franck / hemis.fr


B8HP12 - travelib prime



E2A102 - GUIZIOU Franck / hemis.fr




edit: the German agency I'm unable to see is LOOK Die Bildagentur der Fotografen GmbH

edit2: typo

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Guardian  online

GGH7W4  INTERFOTO Cowdray Castle
EYXB7G Nicky Beeson Jungfraubahn railway
DG6NC4 atgof.co Train on the Cambrian Coast line.
ADB8E7 Peter Titmuss Desert Express train.
F4EF71  Dennis Brack / DanitaDelimont.co... California Zephyr near Grand Junction, Colorado
H639M1 Christiane Volgmann Bangkok to Nam Tok train.
F6D1HM KalypsoWorldPhotography Train ride. Devil’s nose, Ecuador.
C5JT5H  Diana Pappas Three bulbs of Purple Stripe Garlic

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12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Review section], p11, American slaves at Cassina Point plantation, GA6617, IanDagnall Computing [Alamy credit only]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Review section], p12, icebergs in Kulusuk, credited to Alamy but I can't find it
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Travel section], p1, through window of Trans-Siberian train, E1W4BH, Tuul and Bruno Morandi [Alamy credit only]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Travel section], p3, cachopo, H529E1, New photos by Alfonso de Tomas [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Travel section], p3, Parco dei Mostri in Bomarzo, G2TN94, imageBROKER [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Travel section], p3, Villa Pamphili in Rome, F9NJ56, Andrey Starostin [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Travel section], p10, train at Barmouth, DG6NC4, atgof.co [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Travel section], p10, view from California Zephyr train, F4EF71, Danita Delimont [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Family section], p7, butterscotch, H6TKB4, Panther Media GmbH [No credit - poss not via Alamy]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Magazine], p99, garlic, C5JT5H, Diana Pappas [Alamy credit only]
12/11/2016, UK, Guardian [Magazine], p99, clematis, E7N86B, Yon Marsh Natural History [Cropped & cutout. Alamy credit only]

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Times 12th


P3 ERTRX1 incamerastock One of the gates to Durham Castle, now Durham University student accommodation, County Durham, England, UK


P49 Photo Credited to Federico Gambarini Alamy women Dusseldorf that I cannot find (presumably live news shot temporarily off the radar)

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A couple of others credited to Alamy appear to be from a French collection which isn't (or isn't any longer) represented by Alamy.


You may not able to see it because it's restricted. There's a big German collection, often spotted here, which I cannot see.


Thanks, Wim, I hadn't thought of that.

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Guardian  online


DGRDHT imageBROKER/ Harald von Radebrecht Pantanal wetlands
DET8G3 Cro Magnon Pantanal
E0K4D4 Joe McDonald / Steve Bloom Image... Jaguar along the riverbank

DTWR48 Peter Horree ‘Cool Distance’ (1932) by Wassily Kandinsky.
CR8M6B Herbert Spichtinger/Image Source  Tabby kitten

H529E1  New photos by Alfonso de Tomas Asturian cachopo with fried potatoes and green and red peppers.

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