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What's people's turn around time from uploading to approval / rejection? I am seeing about 18/24 hours + atm .. It used to be quicker.


Also does it looks like it slows if you have many rejections? (It still surprises me what is rejected, especially when I look at the "STOCKIMO sales" thread...


(iPhone is all I can use atm as I am not allowed to lift anything as I'm recovering from surgery)


Ta ever so...

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I suspect the Stockimo (Alamy news??) team are probably recovering from a backlog caused by Christmas so I would like to think that approval times might improve. That said, 18-24 hours is OK with me.


With regard to what gets rejected or approved, I have found myself submitting some pictures several times in one go, with different editing (i.e. one which is fairly unedited (just boosted saturation and colour balance a little), one with a vignette, one with a tint, etc) and find that maybe one or two of the three or four versions get approved. I just find it speeds the process up rather than submitting an image, waiting for a rejection, submitting the image with a slightly different edit... and so on... And where multiple versions of the same image but with different editing do get approved, it simple gives the buyer some choice! :-)


I also find that sometimes even the subtlest change makes the difference between acceptance and rejection. If I get a rejection with a score of 2/4, I almost always try and find something to change and try again and often this works. I do wonder if this is partly down to the nature in which the QC works. I believe 3 people (from the Alamy News team?) give your picture a score out of 4. And if the average is 2.3 or higher, the picture is approved. So this means that if you get two '2's and a '3' from the three people who judge the image, then it will pass. When you fail with an average of '2', you probably got three '2's from the approvers meaning that you only have to tip one of those '2's over to be a 3 to get the picture accepted. Due to the nature of news photography, I am guessing that Alamy have people in offices at different global locations who handle the Alamy News and therefore also do Stockimo approvals. So I'm therefore guessing that depending on the backlog of Stockimo images submitted and when an image is submitted, you might find that 3 people in London (or is it Oxford (I believe Alamy have an office there!)) are rating your picture or it might be 3 people in New York. And as consistent as Alamy/Stockimo might try and be, rating a picture out of 4 is quite subjective and different people (particularly based in different locations) might give a different score. Or I might be quite wrong about half of this... but this is my second guess of how the system works!

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Julie, speedy recovery. I thought of you when I heard that the Coachella Music Festival sold out in 13 minutes yesterday, including those highly priced VIP tickets.


Matt, I know one of the secret Stockimo judges, and she is not from the Live News Team. 


Everyone, just filter for Stockimo and look at the NEW tab. That will show you what kind of photos score over a 2.

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Matt, I know one of the secret Stockimo judges, and she is not from the Live News Team. 


You live, you learn! I thought I remembered reading that the Alamy News team also did the Stockimo judging in quiet moments whilst waiting for news to come in.. but I might have just dreamt it! :-)

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Yes, as Ann says above, to see the scores you have to look on the App, on both the Photos Online and Customer Likes tabs, but you have to tap on the photo. You can't see the scores on Alamy.com. 

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Question for Lisa; Have you found any correlation between your Stockimo scores and sales? Or are the scores largely irrelevant (other than for images being accepted)?



2s = 100% of my sales

3s = no sales

4s = no sales


2.3 = 40%

2.7 = 60%


Please note that of my 617 accepted photos, 75% scored in the 2s. 

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Many thanks for the very interesting info Lisa. It confirms my thoughts that the scores are largely irrelevant (providing the images are accepted of course). Now all I need is my first Stockimo sale (330 accepted).


This has been my assumption too. Once an image is accepted, it's up against every other image submitted to Alamy. To that end, I don't mind too much whether an images scores 2.3 or 3.3. I do wonder if the score somehow translates to a 'CTR' equivalent type of value to help Alamy's search engine determine where in the search results to position the Stockimo images.

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From Stockimo.com


What are 'Customer Likes'

We tell you what customers like and what they need. The Customer Likes tab has a live feed of photos that customers have bought, clicked on or interacted with in some way. Use it for inspiration or simply bask in the kudos of making it onto the Customer Likes list.
It seems like the judges are now preferring the bleached out (white washed) filtered look.
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From Stockimo.com


What are 'Customer Likes'

We tell you what customers like and what they need. The Customer Likes tab has a live feed of photos that customers have bought, clicked on or interacted with in some way. Use it for inspiration or simply bask in the kudos of making it onto the Customer Likes list.
It seems like the judges are now preferring the bleached out (white washed) filtered look.



"interacted with in some way".. for me essentially means that your image was viewed as a thumbnail as someone was searching for images on alamy.com.


Thanks for the heads up around the bleached out look.

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I don't think Customer Likes = views, that would be way too many. Perhaps 'interacted with in some way' means those three choices under each photo like save preview image, add to lightbox and add to cart (but not necessarily purchase).

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I also find that sometimes even the subtlest change makes the difference between acceptance and rejection. If I get a rejection with a score of 2/4, I almost always try and find something to change and try again and often this works.


Perfect demonstration of this just happened to me today. Yesterday morning I submitted an image of half an apple. It had been lying on the kitchen worktop and had oxidised and gone brown so I thought it looked interesting so took a picture which I submitted. Yesterday evening, the image got rejected with a score of 1.7. So I immediately re-edited the image 3 different ways and submitted them hoping that one out of thee might be accepted. Well, results just came in and all 3 got accepted with scores 2.7, 2.7 and 3.7 (my highest score ever).

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The answer was on Twitter...


Sorry guys - we're doing some routine maintenance on the app so wait time for your shots to be accepted will be a little longer than usual..

5:55 AM - 25 Jan 2016
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