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Logo images back online

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I would have posted this in the original thread but it was locked so I'll start a new one.  The images deleted because they contained a certain bank's logos have reappeared online, at least mine have, so well done Alamy for not giving in to the big boys.



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I would have posted this in the original thread but it was locked so I'll start a new one.  The images deleted because they contained Banks logos have reappeared online, at least mine have, so well done Alamy for not giving in to the big boys.



Not sure if this will last Pearl as I posted a response to an earlier thread and it went the journey. Possibly wise to delete the offended party's name!


However +1

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I would have posted this in the original thread but it was locked so I'll start a new one.  The images deleted because they contained a certain bank's logos have reappeared online, at least mine have, so well done Alamy for not giving in to the big boys.



Not sure if this will last Pearl as I posted a response to an earlier thread and it went the journey. Possibly wise to delete the offended party's name!


However +1


Good point Bryan and I have followed your advice but I resent having to do that really.  We all know who it was.



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In the original thread Alamy did say "In the meantime, while we review our policy and take further legal advice we'll be leaving these off the site and we'll be in touch shortly to hopefully say we can put these back on sale."


So presumably the legal advice has been given and they are now back on sale with restrictions for editorial use only which is fair enough.



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It was wishful thinking really, it needs a high-profile friend of photography to challenge the application of the byelaw.

Pockets of some depth needed, probably only £10,000 or so for a legal opinion and defence fund from some brave soul. Or just Alamy taking a certain view.

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Received an email today from Alamy regarding the logo;



"We wrote to you in October about images of Barclay’s logo. We’ve sought legal advice about this and have decided to put these all back on sale with an editorial only restriction."

Image Management

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