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Essential keywords show up together

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Hi again!


I'm writing the keywords for some new pictures (what a boring and hard task!!) and I have realised that for some of my pictures, once they are on sale, the essential keywords appear together in a single keyword, but this doesn't happen with other pictures. In all the cases I write the essential keywords separated by a blank space, no commas or other symobls.


As an example:


E9J6HC: one keyword is -chicago grant park skyline- all together.


E9J6JJ: all keywords are individual


In both cases, both the essential and main keywors were writen separated by blank spaces and no commas or ". So, I cannot understand why in some cases the essential keywords are grouped together and in the other cases they're not. In addition, I don't know if this is relevant to the final ranking of a picture.


Thanks again for your help!


Best :)


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I cannot tell you why, they shouldn't be glued together. You don't seem to have used square brackets? And do you write the keywords in the boxes directly or are they added to the image before upload?


I have seen this in a few words on rare occasions in my own keywords, but was able to correct by deleting the space and adding a new.


My best guess is some kind of misinterpretation of codes that happens sometimes, but I really don't know.


But you don't seem to be the only one experiencing this.



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Hi again,


I upload the pictures with no metadata attached, empty, and then I write the keywords one by one in the Manage Images tool.


Spacecadet, the problem is not that I see essential and main keywords together, which is ok, the problem is that I write, let's say 3 or 4 words as essential, and then in the results page they appear as a sentence, not as individual words.


Thanks to all of you for your help :)

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I don't see anything wrong. I just write the words one after the other, or sometines I copy-paste from previous pictures, but in the Manager Image what I see are single words separated by blank space, and no other symbol. Probably I should try to re-write those that are problematic, to see if they split...

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- or use it via a word-processing program like Word, etc. Paste the wanted keywords on a page and use the search and replace function to replace the space characters. I think this can be copied to the Alamy keyword box without problems. This method can also be used to remove the commas from a long string of keywords.

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Like always: it depends. If it's all just text, no problem. If however there's all sorts of code in there, just invisible to us, then it's a good idea to either paste without formatting (not always given as an option) or use a simple text doc as an intermediary. Paste it to the plain text doc and when stuff shows up, clean it. After cleaning, or when stuff does not show up, just copy the result again and paste to the intended place.

I use wordpad or notepad (on a pc) for a quick plain text doc.




edit: and what Niels said

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I have copied the string of keywords from the Manage Image of one picture with the problem to Word, and no special characters appeared. I saw just the words separated by blank space, like in the Manage Image. So I'm not sure about how to fix it for the pictures I have already uploaded. In addition, how long does it take to refresh the keywords in the results page?


Anyway, I have looked for one of my pictures using only 3 of the 4 keywords that are grouped and the picture was found, so I guess that it's not too important, since pictures can be found by not using all the keywords of the "group". Probably this was what spacecadet was talking about before...

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I have copied the string of keywords from the Manage Image of one picture with the problem to Word, and no special characters appeared. I saw just the words separated by blank space, like in the Manage Image. So I'm not sure about how to fix it for the pictures I have already uploaded. In addition, how long does it take to refresh the keywords in the results page?


Anyway, I have looked for one of my pictures using only 3 of the 4 keywords that are grouped and the picture was found, so I guess that it's not too important, since pictures can be found by not using all the keywords of the "group". Probably this was what spacecadet was talking about before...


Usually the database refreshes overnight. Meaning first thing in the morning where the database actually is being managed (i.e India).


Spacecadet is right.

There have been some changes since it was introduced a couple of months back though. It is clear tinkering with all this is going on. Your case may also be a result of such tinkering. But I doubt it: your other image with almost the same keywords is OK and mine from yesterday seem normal too.



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I have to say that I only have one image published this morning (the one from Vienna, with the problem), the others were uploaded in October 2014 (from Chicago, some with problems, others without). I have now other pictures as "ready", so let's see what happens with them tomorrow. The problem is that I don't remember in which ones I used the copy/paste and in which others I used the batch editor (is there a way to add a keyword to a picture that already has keywords?? I don't think so, it's horrible! that's why I started to do copy/paste, much faster), so I have to test the behaviour of the keywords with individual pictures along this week.


I'll keep this post updated with the final conclusions ;)

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I used the batch editor (is there a way to add a keyword to a picture that already has keywords??


Not yet.


I'll keep this post updated with the final conclusions ;)


Great! Thank you!



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Well, after this morning I can say that the problem still occurs but it seems to be random, because I have writen one by one all the keywords in all the remaning pictures since yesterday, and sometimes they show up together, sometimes don't. Anyway, doing a search with individual words works well, so I think the best thing is not to worry any more about it and just write keywords in the fastest way as possible.. I don't expect any sales, so ... ;)


Thanks a lot, once again, for your support!



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I can't offer an explanation but in my view, one should avoid the writing of metadata from scratch online because it means that your originals (jpegs/tiffs/raws) that reside offline have nothing attached so you'd have to start all over again. Personally, I would only keyword etc. offline using a browser or app like Lightroom, then export to Alamy.


No wonder you're finding it difficult doing so within MI.  



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If you're finding that weird - I can do one better.  For some reason, my name "Krys Bailey" is appearing in the keywords of some photographers' images which have nothing to do with me!  Seems Alamy are suffering from an "undocumented feature" at the moment (aka "bug"!) :huh:

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If you're finding that weird - I can do one better.  For some reason, my name "Krys Bailey" is appearing in the keywords of some photographers' images which have nothing to do with me!  Seems Alamy are suffering from an "undocumented feature" at the moment (aka "bug"!) :huh:


Or someone is scraping your keywords wholesale. (Has happened before.)



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I did consider whether someone is copying my keywords, but I don't think this is the case as the images containing my name are different subject matter from mine.  I also only add my name at the very end of the keywords and this isn't the case.


JGF - I'm not sure you will see your photos looking for pseudonym only - I always enter my name in the keywords section too.


It's a mystery.......................  :o

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