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Nikon D750-Honeymoon over

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Well,I looked up the serial number after reading the Petapixel article and this camera is affected by the flare sensor issue.

How lo


How long does Nikon take to service these?



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Others in comments have mentioned 3.5 weeks. Two friends of mine had the 3 week range.


But,the seller said it was repaired and there seems to be a black dot under the camera.I will call Nikon tomorrow and in the meantime if we have sun today,try and see if I get a flare.


When I had the Nikon D600 oil on sensor problem,Nikon had the camera for almost a month and denied anything was wrong. The camera had 17 large oil spots. That was months before the recall when they were in denial.



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Others in comments have mentioned 3.5 weeks. Two friends of mine had the 3 week range.


But,the seller said it was repaired and there seems to be a black dot under the camera.I will call Nikon tomorrow and in the meantime if we have sun today,try and see if I get a flare.


When I had the Nikon D600 oil on sensor problem,Nikon had the camera for almost a month and denied anything was wrong. The camera had 17 large oil spots. That was months before the recall when they were in denial.



Many reports like yours on the 600. I have the 610 which doesn't seem to have the same problem thankfully. I'm in the UK and it took 3 weeks to have a lens auto focus repaired. Only had the pro lens about 2 1/2 years. Not covered by warranty. Thanks nikon. 

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The seller sent me a form for repair that he said he received from Nikon. I will call Nikon tomorrow to verify this and pray we have some sun to test this out.


I hope it works because I think the camera is heavy but not as heavy as the models above this. Maybe it's just that clunky 24-120....



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Linda - Now that more than the honeymoon is over -

and I arrived at your last thread too late:


You know I'll miss you on the forum.


Onward and upward and see you on fb - Ann

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I  called Nikon equipped with the D750 serial number as well as the work order number and all info from the seller.

Nikon would not give me any info on anything!


The camera seems to work.I've only taken about 25 shots-outside at the sun and indoors into a lamp and testing the 24-120mm as well.

All seems fine so I think I am going to keep it.


I really wanted the Sony A7II and would prefer a smaller system but I don't think Sony is there yet for all types of shooting scenarios.From what I've read and seen,the camera seems to struggle for focus in low light club/party/home situations and the focus seems to be different all the time. A couple of the photographer reviewers whose opinions I've found to be spot on have mentioned this in reviews.


Seems to be getting better all the time though. When they get that focus down and faster lenses I'll reconsider.


A Sony FE zoom with 6.3 on the long end...omg try focusing that at night in the dark!


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It sounds like you should be alright with the particular camera you got unless the seller went to a lot of trouble forging documents and the black spot on the bottom. If Nikon won’t tell you if it’s been fixed, and you really don’t trust that it has been, then you could try going through the process of sending it back. At some point in setting up the return, they must check the actual serial number to see if it has been repaired. The flare is supposewdlyvery difficult to reproduce.

If you really like the camera, which you obviously did from your other thread, then that doesn’t change. By all reports these are fantastic cameras. From reading your threads, you are clearly a highly successful photographer - so just get a new one. No harm in having a backup machine when you are doing important assignments.


Best of luck on your departure from Alamy (you haven't changed your mind by any chance :) ?)

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Why not keep one or two pics on Alamy and stay on the forum Linda? Just a thought. :)

Well I can't do that..Because if I did that it would imply I accept the terms of the contract and I will not be signing it. I've already terminated so when my images are removed,I probably will not be allowed here.

So with that,if I still had images here,my previous images would still be bound by the contract and that's not going to happen.


A few of the images I had here I've sold the image as well as transferred the copyright so,I can't be in a position of having the buyer be under any obligation to a former agency of mine. It was a nice sale that was worth it to do that.


I'm selling my entertainment photo archives. So many other projects I want to do and it takes a lot of time,physical and mental space. Anyway,I want to buy a new condo and only surround myself with things I love love love in the present. That's a 30 page post in itself. :-)



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