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Showing the names of boats

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I took some shots down at a marina on Lake Ontario yesterday and am working on them in PS. I know to blur licence plates, but is it okay to leave boat names alone or are we supposed to blur those as well?



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Boat names I would leave in.


As for number plates, I usually leave those as they are too, except I might blur them if they were photos of an accident say.



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I wouldn't touch those details: For boats, cars or aircraft. We're merely reporting on what we see and as Martin and Peter say, it's for the end-user to alter/remove.


And anyway, say something happens to the aircraft, for example - proving its registration will be of great relevance and ought to be put into keywords.  



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I've only ever obliterated two car registration number plates. One with a Penalty Notice tucked under windshield wiper,( also close up of PCN with identifying details of traffic warden and car details whited out, as well), and one on a car park with distinctive artwork on the bonnet.


I may not have needed to, but went with instinct.


PS. Always showed names of boats without a qualm, though. In my opinion they add to the image.



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I left the boat names in, but somehow I thought it was an Alamy policy to blur plates. Maybe I'm wrong. Gonna go over the rules and see, because if I don't have to, why put in the extra work.



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