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what is this & why would an RX100 series shooter of stills want it...?

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Not talking about the eBay cage, but the cameras. Yes, I have the original Sony RX100 & the RX100-3. They are fine little cameras. The picture of the guy on the paddleboard in the Good Things thread was taken with the RX100-3. If you look at my portfolio, every store/shop interior was taken with one or the other.

I like them as my second camera because they are small, fit easily in a handbag or large pocket & people don’t seem to notice it indoors. I’ve never shot video with mine so I can’t attest to that.

My main camera is the Fuji XT-4.

I think Edo shoot most of his images with one of the later Sony RX cameras, 5, 6 or whatever.

Edited by Betty LaRue
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There are small grips you can get that I find sufficient. Holding that small camera still without a grip is difficult, in my opinion. I use it a lot now that I'm not taking the wildlife trips. I'm sorry to say that I don't feel safe these days in NYC with my obviously expensive big Nikon.



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6 hours ago, NYCat said:

Holding that small camera still without a grip is difficult

oh Paulette
if possible, can you post link to kind
of grip you have on your RX100 series?
So my thinking is right that a camera can
get so light, its image stabilization don't help...?
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That's a version of the cages intended for making DSLRs more suitable for film production by allowing monitors, rangefinders, etc., to be accommodated. It looks a bit excessive for a stills camera- a plain handgrip attached to the tripod bush might be handier.


Edited by spacecadet
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20 hours ago, Jeffrey Isaac Greenberg said:
is this useful for video shooting only?
or does it have stills use, too?


Predominantly for video.

For stills use I suggest something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/364282517972

I've got a similar grip, it just makes the RX100 easier to grip/hold



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10 minutes ago, M.Chapman said:


Predominantly for video.

For stills use I suggest something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/364282517972

I've got a similar grip, it just makes the RX100 easier to grip/hold



I have no grip & have never dropped my RX. I don’t want anything adding bulk & defeating the purpose of its small size.

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The grip I bought for my RX100vi is tiny and sticks on with adhesive (if memory serves). I’m happy I got it. It doesn’t really add bulk, or weight, but rather allows for gripping with more stability. A web search brings up some more substantial grips, but this is the one I have:


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1 hour ago, Cecile Marion said:

The grip I bought for my RX100vi is tiny and sticks on with adhesive (if memory serves). I’m happy I got it. It doesn’t really add bulk, or weight, but rather allows for gripping with more stability. A web search brings up some more substantial grips, but this is the one I have:



I have the RX100 mk7, and soon after purchasing it I fitted the Sony grip as listed by Cecile, and have never regretted it. I also added an attachment to the lens so it would take either a 52mm filter, a lens hood or a snap on lens cap. In reality I have only added a polarising filter to it once, but the lens cap does give additional protection.                                                                                                                               

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10 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I have no grip & have never dropped my RX. I don’t want anything adding bulk & defeating the purpose of its small size.

The AG-R2 grip is really tiny and light and doesn't increase the overall dimensions (it only sticks out about half as far as the retracted lens housing). I find, with my large hands, it increases the security of my grip, so much so that I'm happy to shoot with the RX100 "one-handed" when needed.



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10 hours ago, sb photos said:


I have the RX100 mk7, and soon after purchasing it I fitted the Sony grip as listed by Cecile, and have never regretted it. I also added an attachment to the lens so it would take either a 52mm filter, a lens hood or a snap on lens cap. In reality I have only added a polarising filter to it once, but the lens cap does give additional protection.                                                                                                                               

Another vote here for the R2 grip - doesn't increase the size and makes the world of difference when using it imo

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12 hours ago, Cecile Marion said:

The grip I bought for my RX100vi is tiny and sticks on with adhesive (if memory serves). I’m happy I got it. It doesn’t really add bulk, or weight, but rather allows for gripping with more stability. A web search brings up some more substantial grips, but this is the one I have:



This is what I bought for my RX100. Without it the camera is as slippery as a bar of soap!

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17 hours ago, Jeffrey Isaac Greenberg said:
oh Paulette
if possible, can you post link to kind
of grip you have on your RX100 series?
So my thinking is right that a camera can
get so light, its image stabilization don't help...?


Yep. As everyone has said. Very small. Looks like it belongs with the camera. Here it is on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Sony-AGR2-Attachment-Grip-Black/dp/B00KOUIBRU/ref=asc_df_B00KOUIBRU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309777532761&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10308127136019650816&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060351&hvtargid=pla-436522348516&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=63226431993&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309777532761&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10308127136019650816&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060351&hvtargid=pla-436522348516



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