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Another Plant ID question

Rosemary Hawkins

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Definitely nasturtium - grows as a weed here and is good in a salad (apparently!).  




One eats the flowers - they taste peppery - not the leaves which are best left to the many caterpillars which prefer the foliage and leave countless droppings on the bits they don't consume!

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I'd like to help, Rosemary. But I just recently learned to tell a tree from a bush. If you have a dog you need a name for, I'm your boy.  :wacko:


I am in the same spot as Ed. I can even have problems telling one tree from another. But if you need a horse identified, I'm your girl  :)

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Thanks Ed and Jill!


Don't think I don't have that problem myself!  A couple of years ago at a botanical garden in Newfoundland it first occurred to me to photograph the plant information signs while I was at it!  Otherwise I would never know myself most/all of the time.  For some reason I took the wrong sign on this one though.

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