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Samsung NX1

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I have Samsung NX1 semi profi mirrorless camera. But I cannot upload my 1st three photos to alamy because camera is unsuitable, and site dont allow me to send it. But after check their requirements I am pretty sure it is enough. The sensor size is APS-C and it is not too old camera, and 28mp is still enough. What do u think can be reason of unsuitable staff?

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You're right to think that your camera certainly should easily exceed the quality threshold for uploading images to Alamy and from what you say it seems to have been rejected automatically without any human intervention. I would recommend emailing contributors@alamy.com with this problem and see what they say, unfortunately you might have to wait some time for a reply though. Although Alamy don't openly have a blacklist for cameras this type of thing does seem to happen from time to time, it may just be that your camera is fairly uncommon.

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Yop, I wrote them but the answer was little bit strange for me. They said that dont review cameras but pictures which seen made by them. I am pretty sure that probably one of the best aps-c sensor 4 years ago must be enough but if they say that not good enough, even if didnt see my photos i dont see more opportunietes to persuade them. But i am shocked :)

Edited by MatejPhoto
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Well, thanks for the feedback, we don't often hear what happens in these situations. They do make mistakes, the Fuji X100f was blocked for someone when it first came out I think but it sounds like they've made up their minds about yours unfortunately. I skimmed through the review on DPReview which suggested that the in-camera jpegs could have problems (not a problem if you shoot RAW of course) and I suppose there's a limited range of lenses. However overall the review was very complimentary.

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My reading of this is that people who have submitted pictures using the NX1 since 2014 before MatejPhoto submitted his QC sample  have had excessive QC failures.


Experienced photographers would have had to walk past a lot of cameras since 2014 to choose an NX1. This may mean  Samsung buyers may have been new to DSLR photography, they may not have had an existing Canon/Nikon/Sony/Fuji/Pentax systems to update which to my mind says "new photographer".


The NX1 may have gotten it's reputation because users were inexperienced in self assessing quality before submitting pictures to QC.


MatejPhoto, it's not you;  it is the people you are following that are the problem.


Stay safe.




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12 hours ago, Mr Standfast said:

My reading of this is that people who have submitted pictures using the NX1 since 2014 before MatejPhoto submitted his QC sample  have had excessive QC failures.


Experienced photographers would have had to walk past a lot of cameras since 2014 to choose an NX1. This may mean  Samsung buyers may have been new to DSLR photography, they may not have had an existing Canon/Nikon/Sony/Fuji/Pentax systems to update which to my mind says "new photographer".


The NX1 may have gotten it's reputation because users were inexperienced in self assessing quality before submitting pictures to QC.


MatejPhoto, it's not you;  it is the people you are following that are the problem.


Stay safe.




That is true. But I will say this. In spite of reading everything I could get my hands on about stock, when I entered the business I knew next to nothing about evaluating my work for everything I needed to. Things like noise, chromatic aberration, tiny dust bunnies, poor color management and other things derailed me for awhile. There is a lot more to good photography than only the camera in your hand.

It took me a bit to get it right. Every failure taught me something.

MatejPhoto, how did Alamy know what kind of camera you had if they didn’t see your photos? I always thought that’s how they know what camera is used...by reading the metadata from the photos. Unless they’ve made unapproved cameras recognized by the uploader these days, which I never knew about if that’s true.


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6 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

That is true. But I will say this. In spite of reading everything I could get my hands on about stock, when I entered the business I knew next to nothing about evaluating my work for everything I needed to. Things like noise, chromatic aberration, tiny dust bunnies, poor color management and other things derailed me for awhile. There is a lot more to good photography than only the camera in your hand.

It took me a bit to get it right. Every failure taught me something.

MatejPhoto, how did Alamy know what kind of camera you had if they didn’t see your photos? I always thought that’s how they know what camera is used...by reading the metadata from the photos. Unless they’ve made unapproved cameras recognized by the uploader these days, which I never knew about if that’s true.


Well put. 

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Here's the thread about the X100F that I was thinking about, together with the 'Unsuitable camera' screenshots suggesting automatic rejection at the upload stage.




Alamy intervened and asked the OP to contact the technical dept. I suppose it's just possible that 'unsuitable camera' is some kind of blanket rejection message and some other aspect of the images might have triggered it. Still for this post it seems that Alamy QC have passed judgement on the Samsung NX1. I can see that Mr.Standfast's explanation of previous 'amateur' uploads from this camera might have swayed them but it still doesn't seem right given that I can't see why this camera shouldn't produce images that are perfectly fine for Alamy.

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If he was shooting raw, he should check his export settings because those can be set wrong for exporting .jpgs suitable for Alamy.  If he wasn't, then he needs to learn how to use some photo processing program for doing what's needed for the individual photos, and export as highest possible quality .jpg at full size without doing anything more to it.


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Personally from what he has said I don't think his pictures got as far as QC though he may come back to elaborate, I think he just got the 'Unsuitable camera' message when trying to upload them and understandably could not understand why. After contacting Alamy they explained that in effect that camera is on a black list for reasons unknown.

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1 hour ago, Harry Harrison said:

Personally from what he has said I don't think his pictures got as far as QC though he may come back to elaborate, I think he just got the 'Unsuitable camera' message when trying to upload them and understandably could not understand why. After contacting Alamy they explained that in effect that camera is on a black list for reasons unknown.


yop Harry, you are right I was unable upload photo using NX1 camera, but i wrote one more mail to alamy support and girl responded me that try te resend it to QC. They finally wrote me that unsuitable camera message for samsung nx1 must be bug it the system and told me I should send pictures using different method to check my samples (droppox). So finally QC right now rieviewing my photos.


Maybe my photos are terrible but was suprised that such high quality equipment didnt qualify for uploading photos :)


I use allways raw photos but it doesnt matter in this case.

Edited by MatejPhoto
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3 minutes ago, MatejPhoto said:


yop Harry, you are right I was unable upload photo using NX1 camera, but i wrote one more mail to alamy support and girl responded me that try te resend it to QC. They finally wrote me that unsuitable camera message for samsung nx1 must be bug it the system and told me I should send pictures using different method to check my samples (droppox). So finally QC right now rieviewing my photos.


Maybe my photos are terrible but was suprised that such high quality equipment didnt qualify for uploading photos :)


I use allways raw photos but it doesnt matter in this case.

That's good news! All the best.

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51 minutes ago, MatejPhoto said:

So finally QC right now rieviewing my photos.

Excellent, well done for persevering. Hopefully you will pass and be able to continue to use your Samsung NX1 to upload to Alamy. You'll find plenty on here keen to help if you have any problems or need advice.


Just a thought but maybe the upload software thought it was a phone?

Edited by Harry Harrison
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4 minutes ago, MatejPhoto said:

nope, it was standard desktop pc chrome browser

I'm probably wrong anyway but I meant that the upload software might possibly have read the EXIF metadata in your images as 'Samsung', who are mainly known for phones rather than cameras, and so blocked your images for that reason. Alamy did say it was a bug.

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