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Hello from argentina

Nora Mazzini

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I'm new on the forum. For some reason I appeared twice and both times my message disappeared.
I introduce myself and my portfolio. I hope to learn a lot and sell too. I'm a photojournalist and I work as a photo editor for an Argentinean newspaper. 




Best regards!

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Hi Nora and welcome. The forum has been behaving strangely lately so that might explain what is happening to your posts. There was some advice about not translating into other languages in the tags and captions a while back when Alamy introduced automatic translation of English - they were advising to keyword only in English and allow the translator to do its thing.  I am not sure how that applies if you are based in a Spanish-speaking country ((whether you should just be keywording in both English and Spanish) so you might want to get advice from Alamy on that. In any case, best of luck - buena suerte. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/11/2019 at 12:13, Nora Mazzini said:

I'm interested in the subject of photographic history. How do you propose? Where do I find the necessary information? Thank you very much!


This Wikipedia article is an excellent starting point.

The old site of Robbert Leggat is still good too, and is mentioned in the links. As is the site of the Harry Ransom Center in Austin Texas.



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Ah, Buenos Aires, where they speak Spanish and understand Italian. I'm in Spain, Nora, where they speak Spanish and understand zero Italian. :(


You (we) can view your Alamy port by clicking on the blue number next to images.


Welcome to Alamy and the forum. 



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1 minute ago, Nora Mazzini said:

Hi! I know the history of photography. Thank you very much.


Sorry if I'm wrong about this, but I see that "history" and "story" both translate into Spanish as "historia". However, they mean different things in English.

For photojournalism, which I think is what you mean, there are any number of sources, but you could try try "Pictures on a Page" by Harold Evans.

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Hello Edo, how nice of you to comment on Spanish and Italian. I speak and write both languages as well as Portuguese... but my English is google translator, I'm really sorry!
I can ask you to look at my portfolio? I just started, I try to upload and produce at least one photo per day. I don't see my portfolio moving and I don't want to make mistakes.
Thank you very much!

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44 minutes ago, Nora Mazzini said:

Hi! I know the history of photography. Thank you very much. My question is how to sell "photographic stories" or "photographic reports".
How can it be done?



Insta and vlog?



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Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak English. I would need a better explanation to understand. 
Can you see my portfolio? I'm new and I don't want to make mistakes. And I don't see it moving much. I don't know the dynamics of the bank of photos and buying and selling. 
Thank you!

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I only looked very quickly at your portfolio but I see that you can do better with your captions and tags. I was attracted to the photo of the typewriter showing the keys. You only caption it by giving the mercado where I assume you shot it. You need to do the caption and tags to describe exactly what is in the image and nothing else. If people don't see your image it will never sell. You might learn something by searching in Alamy for "typewriter keys" or "vintage typewriter". Take a look at the captions and tags and that will give you an idea of what is needed. I do like your images very much.



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