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Hi All

Over the last several uploads My uploading has been very slow. And it appears that most of my bandwidth is consumed by this upload to Alamy
On the one hand this does not seem to be the case on other sites I upload to so it does not seem to be a local problem.
on the other hand I see nobody else is complaining here so it is probably not on Alamy's side either

I am using both Firefox and chrome 
In short, has anybody got any ideas what has gone wrong for me


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That happens to me sometimes (using Chrome). Saturday was especially slow - each photo took several minutes to load, the whole batch took an eternity. I also notice that it's specific to Alamy - I can upload to other sites with no speed issues.

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2 hours ago, Ilanphoto said:

Hi All

Over the last several uploads My uploading has been very slow. And it appears that most of my bandwidth is consumed by this upload to Alamy
On the one hand this does not seem to be the case on other sites I upload to so it does not seem to be a local problem.
on the other hand I see nobody else is complaining here so it is probably not on Alamy's side either

I am using both Firefox and chrome 
In short, has anybody got any ideas what has gone wrong for me





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FTP is much faster I've found and as my DAM has it built in it's simpler for me too the only issue is it takes a while for the images to appear in the image manager, so I'm guessing that the issue with browser upload is probably something to do with the processing rather than the actual uploading, and it's chocking the browser.


Probably worth giving FTP a go and see if you find it better too

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  • 2 months later...

It is still extremely slow - checked connection speeds in both directions, the problem is absolutely Alamy server. A 10-14MB image took over the last 4 days in several uploads up to 10-12 minutes (!!!) to upload.

Are they running a ZX81 as server? or gremlins pushing abacus coloured balls per pixel to process the upload? That would be quicker.


More seriously, it is simply impractical to have to leave the computer running all night (!)  because one has to go to bed and it has only done 4 images over 40 minutes. 


Alamy, can we re-join 21st century please? or even 20th...

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1 hour ago, Animus said:

It is still extremely slow - checked connection speeds in both directions, the problem is absolutely Alamy server. A 10-14MB image took over the last 4 days in several uploads up to 10-12 minutes (!!!) to upload.

Are they running a ZX81 as server? or gremlins pushing abacus coloured balls per pixel to process the upload? That would be quicker.


More seriously, it is simply impractical to have to leave the computer running all night (!)  because one has to go to bed and it has only done 4 images over 40 minutes. 


Alamy, can we re-join 21st century please? or even 20th...



I've done a couple of uploads today and I'm seeing much faster uploads than you report. 


I use FTP and Filezilla. I'm in the UK. I was uploading to News -  newsupload.alamy.com


I uploaded 15 images, average size 6MB, about half an hour ago, in 9 minutes, so about 36 secs per image.


It's not lightning quick, but I don't think that's a problem at Alamy's end, I get about 12Mbps on download but on upload it's down to about 1Mbps - but that's down to my ISP.



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For what it is worth - and please do not bite my head off - I recently started using stocksubmitter and the uploads seem to be going way smoother than they did on direct upload.  It may sometimes be a few hours before the images appear in my AIM but I understand this is the same with FTP.  I will keyword a load of images hit upload and then ignore it - I come back and generally everything is where it should be.

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On 28/03/2019 at 19:37, Keith Douglas said:



I've done a couple of uploads today and I'm seeing much faster uploads than you report. 


I use FTP and Filezilla. I'm in the UK. I was uploading to News -  newsupload.alamy.com


I uploaded 15 images, average size 6MB, about half an hour ago, in 9 minutes, so about 36 secs per image.


It's not lightning quick, but I don't think that's a problem at Alamy's end, I get about 12Mbps on download but on upload it's down to about 1Mbps - but that's down to my ISP.




Yep it varies, I noticed during the morning it had better but still unbelievably slow. Evenings are what  measured, and today it is so slow it stopped for the past 22 minutes on an image and doesn't move.


How dare they say problem is not on tneir end, as some commented here - it is absolutely at their end, at the very same time all other uploads to anything else, and the upload speed checks are fine. Right now connection upload speed even at this peak hour is measured at 5.66Mbps, this would easily calculate as let's just say WAY above 22 MINUTES :)  going nowhere for an 11.5MB image...  only and only to Alamy stone age server. It NEVER was this slow, it started some weeks ago, by the way.


I use their glorious website upload, and I happen to be SW systems designer - and it really drives me up the wall when people that grab such % of royalties have first response as "it is not at our end".  It just is and they should get rid of some indefensible attitude first then look at what happened last few months with their uploads. Period. 


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25 minutes ago, Animus said:


Yep it varies, I noticed during the morning it had better but still unbelievably slow. Evenings are what  measured, and today it is so slow it stopped for the past 22 minutes on an image and doesn't move.


How dare they say problem is not on tneir end, as some commented here - it is absolutely at their end, at the very same time all other uploads to anything else, and the upload speed checks are fine. Right now upload even at this peak hour is measured at 5.66Mbps, this would easily calculate as let's just say WAY above 22 MINUTES going nowhere for an 11.5MB image...  only and only to Alamy stone age server. It NEVER was this slow, it started some weeks ago, by the way.


I use their glorious website upload, and I happen to be SW systems designer - and it really drives me up the wall when people that grab such % of royalties have first response as "it is not at our end".  It just is and they should get rid of some indefensible attitude first then look at what happened last few months with their uploads. Period. 



Why don't you try the FTP route instead?
If it stops for 22 minutes on an image then it isn't slow - somethings gone wrong. It's dropped the connection or something's timed out.

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53 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:


Why don't you try the FTP route instead?
If it stops for 22 minutes on an image then it isn't slow - somethings gone wrong. It's dropped the connection or something's timed out.


Yes it is bizarre they don't time out as basic protocol - I'm still connected but their server stops at the end of the image (well, according to insanely slow progress bar) and then sits there. It should time out and have error message but nothing, in the meantime uploads and downloads all fine. Ho-hum.

Wrote them email, too and will try FTP, but the thing is: this used to work, not it is unusable... so they knowingly or unknowingly caused a problem and should fix  it- but in meantime, yep, we need to try other means :) fingers crossed.

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3 minutes ago, Animus said:


Yes it is bizarre they don't time out as basic protocol - I'm still connected but their server stops at the end of the image (well, according to insanely slow progress bar) and then sits there. It should time out and have error message but nothing, in the meantime uploads and downloads all fine. Ho-hum.

Wrote them email, too and will try FTP, but the thing is: this used to work, not it is unusable... so they knowingly or unknowingly caused a problem and should fix  it- but in meantime, yep, we need to try other means :) fingers crossed.


FTP is the way to go. I haven't done a Web Page upload for many months.  I've just uploaded 4 news images via FTP. Less than a minute per image.

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9 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:


FTP is the way to go. I haven't done a Web Page upload for many months.  I've just uploaded 4 news images via FTP. Less than a minute per image.

Justtried now and average 300KB/s so it is vastly faster. Their web upload has gremlins, it used to work at tolerable speeds - of course I can bet they will deny it has issues :)

Cheers for the tip, I should have tried this from the start but ah, my blind faith in their web upload :)


PS. I just noticed their server does not support FTP over TLS so passwords are sent in clear - oh Lord, please drag Alamy into 21st century please :D this is just too much. Seriously....

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