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Copying keywords

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I have thought this was impossible in the new image manager but my keywords have been copied in at least four elephant images by an agency I won't mention. I will do more of a search later and then report this to Alamy. I put my name in the keywords to make it easier to search from the homepage when I'm looking for one of my images. I had been doing a Google search  on My Name/Alamy and didn't eliminate Alamy. I saw an image that I didn't recognize and, sure enough, it is not mine and the "similar images" showed three others. How did they do this? They didn't even check them enough to see my name.



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Basically this is easy peasy - if I understand you correctly.


View the image - tick show all keywords - copy all the boxes and paste. If you do this in an editor they will come up each on a new line - but this is a minor problem that can easily be dealt with.





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Thank you. I think I may have tried that before but then didn't see a quick and easy way to put the keywords into the Image Manager. It actually looks like it could be a good way to deal with older images that have too many keywords due to repeated words. On the preview page only 50 show and no repetitions. Anyway, a useful bit of info so thank you. I seem to only have four elephant pics copied by the agency so I will let Alamy know. When I've encountered this in the past they can't tell someone not to copy my keywords but can ask them to remove my name.



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16 hours ago, NYCat said:

Thank you. I think I may have tried that before but then didn't see a quick and easy way to put the keywords into the Image Manager. It actually looks like it could be a good way to deal with older images that have too many keywords due to repeated words. On the preview page only 50 show and no repetitions. Anyway, a useful bit of info so thank you. I seem to only have four elephant pics copied by the agency so I will let Alamy know. When I've encountered this in the past they can't tell someone not to copy my keywords but can ask them to remove my name.




My understanding is that we are not allowed, under Alamy rules, to put our names or other forms of identification in the keywords/tags with our images.


It seems to have helped you though by being able to catch offenders (thieves).





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I think it is OK as long as I don't give my website or email. I use my name as my pseudonym so it is there for all to see when they zoom the image. I think Alamy just doesn't want us selling directly to their clients.



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3 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


My understanding is that we are not allowed, under Alamy rules, to put our names or other forms of identification in the keywords/tags with our images.


It seems to have helped you though by being able to catch offenders (thieves).






3 hours ago, NYCat said:

I think it is OK as long as I don't give my website or email. I use my name as my pseudonym so it is there for all to see when they zoom the image. I think Alamy just doesn't want us selling directly to their clients.




I don't care to re-edit my news images, so these will bear my name in the caption as well. Caption or keywords is pretty much the same. 


I would make the same assumption as you, Paulette.



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Paulette, I have the same issue. 2 images belonging to someone else have my name in them and tags copied. I wrote to CR and they have asked the contributor to remove irrelevant tags. So far, they have not removed them. I'll write again later in the week if my name remains.


I'm really P.....d about it!

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21 hours ago, Niels Quist said:




I don't care to re-edit my news images, so these will bear my name in the caption as well. Caption or keywords is pretty much the same. 


I would make the same assumption as you, Paulette.




More work to do now to include my name in the tags on all my images.:(





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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


More work to do now to include my name in the tags on all my images.:(





I’ve done mine forever.  Different for each pseudo. That way, I can group plants or wildlife in a search. Wildlife...B LaRue, plants...A LaRue. General, Betty LaRue. Two more.

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I emailed Alamy about the 4 images and then realized there is a 5th one-- by somebody else. It has a reference starting with M and so has been there for a while and might have been the one the other people copied from. I think I have found them all now.  Interestingly, all these images show up in the first four rows when I search my name.



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2 hours ago, NYCat said:

I emailed Alamy about the 4 images and then realized there is a 5th one-- by somebody else. It has a reference starting with M and so has been there for a while and might have been the one the other people copied from. I think I have found them all now.  Interestingly, all these images show up in the first four rows when I search my name.




You made me curious. Found the M one - put up under another pseudonym on Alamy and on the other site. Fraudulent and stupid. Hope Alamy is clearing this up for you.




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4 hours ago, NYCat said:

I emailed Alamy about the 4 images and then realized there is a 5th one-- by somebody else. It has a reference starting with M and so has been there for a while and might have been the one the other people copied from. I think I have found them all now.  Interestingly, all these images show up in the first four rows when I search my name.




Same with me Paulette, the other contributors images are first row, top page. In spite of CR writing the the contributor last week, nothing has been done.



1 hour ago, Niels Quist said:


You made me curious. Found the M one - put up under another pseudonym on Alamy and on the other site. Fraudulent and stupid. Hope Alamy is clearing this up for you.





Niels, CR will only write and ask the other contributor to remove irrelevant tags. I had this happen about a year ago, and it took half a dozen emails to CR as my name remained in someone else's images for weeks. Finally CR did remove my name. But it was a frustrating exercise!

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11 hours ago, NYCat said:

I sent two emails about this on Monday and didn't even get the automated response. Is there a problem? I usually get a very quick response.




Paulette, I got a reply from CR Shelley on 10 August about this and my name still remains in the other contributors tags. I have written again this morning (aussie time) to ask this to be fixed asap. I did get the automated reply almost immediately.

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I have emailed again and, fortunately, decided to check the address. My computer had somehow picked up an address for Alamy that was not the right one. So now I have corrected it and I got the automated response.



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I heard back from Shelley........She says....  "We've now removed your name from the images and asked the contributors to refrain from using tags irrelevant to the subject".



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5 hours ago, NYCat said:

I heard back from Shelley........She says....  "We've now removed your name from the images and asked the contributors to refrain from using tags irrelevant to the subject".




Paulette, I also heard from Shelley and my name also removed from the contributors tags. On the plus side, the contributor who copied my tags has so many other irrelevant tags that their CTR must be way down in the basement! 

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