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Edo in San Miguel de Allende

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3 minutes ago, Dyn Llun said:

The trouble is that we will all have to queue along with the Brexiteers.

I think Ian means travelling to the EU he'll go through the EU nationals' gate. We'll be queueing with everyone else.

At least I'll have a burgundy passport until 2028. We'll see where we are then.

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They say that if you stick a gardening fork through your foot it doesn't hurt for a bit.

The great strength of the leave campaign was successfully and completely decoupling the result from any consideration of the consequences.

Probably enough of this now.

Have a profitable stay in NYC, Ed.


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I'm an immigrant too (Aren't we all?). Both my parents were born in the UK, and I was born on a small Caribbean island that was still a British colony at the time. Consequently, I could probably obtain a British passport quite easily. These days, though, I'm quite happy with my Canadian one. When/if there is finally a "global citizen" passport, then I'll be happy to trade my Canadian one in. May the luck of the Irish be with you in NYC, Edo.

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Having the Irish passport means that you don't have to have 50K euros a year plus emergency funds equal to the average price of a house in Ireland.   They don't appear to be encouraging foreign retirement, but do seem to be encouraging people returning.  Ireland has or had some good tax breaks for artists.  Dublin housing prices are insane or were when I looked (higher than the London suburbs).   Some other parts seem to be more sanely priced.

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18 hours ago, geogphotos said:


My Irish passport has arrived! I won't queuing at immigration with a load of moaning Brexiteers.:)


I feel so proud of all my Irish ancestors.

Wish I had some - I have a scottish grandfather but that unfortunately doen't help :(



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