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In five years on Flickr, have sold one pic direct as the researcher couldn't find the subject on Alamy. It was a good sale and I made more than I could have done through Alamy. I have over 1,200 pics on there and have 7 licensed to Getty and made my first sale through them this week, also for a better amount than I'd have received from Alamy.




in the same timeframe I have made far more money from Alamy and made infinitely more sales, so I know where I'd rather be.

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In five years on Flickr, have sold one pic direct as the researcher couldn't find the subject on Alamy. It was a good sale and I made more than I could have done through Alamy. I have over 1,200 pics on there and have 7 licensed to Getty and made my first sale through them this week, also for a better amount than I'd have received from Alamy.




in the same timeframe I have made far more money from Alamy and made infinitely more sales, so I know where I'd rather be.


This is probably a dumb question. But does Getty demand the usual exclusivity for images that they find on flickr?

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Not really looked into it too deeply as I have so few on there, but I found this on the Getty FAQ on Flickr...


"Exclusive rights to images are available for some rights-managed products."


Also just managed to get into my account for the first time and it was actually two sales, so 2 from 7 images is not a bad return. Wish my Alamy sales were that ratio!


Only 20% of the full amount though which is pretty poor. Not sure what Getty pay their non-Flickr contributors.

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I have sold about 12 images from 52 images on getty. Given up with getty not uploaded for months now,  you can send 5 a month for possible upload well thats no good for me and now send all salable images to Alamy now

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If you're looking for sales, I wouldn't bother using flickr.  I've been on there for 5 years and have only been approached by a few individuals, who wanted to use my photos for free (and one winery who wanted to give me wine in exchange; )


But I was never on flickr for sales anyways, just a love of photography.  I have been inspired and learned a lot from some great contacts and groups with challenges.  But it's not a place for sales.  And yes, I do believe it's against flickr guidelines to use your account for commercial purposes.

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Two or three years ago, a scottish museum contacted me through Flickr. They were interested by some of my photos for a collective exhibition about wars and their consequences on the population. When I started talking money, they said they had to think... They never contacted me again. Is it because Scots are stingy ? Or may be MariaJ is right. Flickr visitors are looking for free pictures !

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It is against Flickr rules to use your account commercially, but there is no problem with people contacting you to use images, either for gain or free as the Getty link proves.


Out of the dozen-plus approaches I have had in five years on there only one was offering to buy, all the others wanted something for nothing. I have let a few use images, such as a local wildlife group who do great work in my area, but in general I refuse any requests for free usage and ask if we can discuss terms. This usually ends the conversation ;) .


I watermark my Flickr images now, and put far fewer on there than when I started, so the requests have dropped off significantly in the last couple of years, as have instances of photo piracy.


Unfortunately, a lot of people I know on there who do great work are not bothered about giving their stuff away for nothing, and are flattered to be asked and even flattered not to be asked when someone just steals their images. Makes me despair. :wacko:

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What is the best option to sell photos ? Flickr or stock libraries like Alamy,...?


As has already been suggested, Getty own Flickr, some have made big sales from Getty via Flickr.  


Also if you wish to sell with Getty via Flickr,  said images must be exclusive,  not Flickr in its entirety, just images you wish to make available to Getty for licensing.


In my opinion, there is not a great deal of difference (with regards to potential sales as a contributor) between Getty or Flickr now.


As is always the case, high quality innovative images will sell, ordinary stuff will languish for eternity.



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