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Pre-holidays PU surge?

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I've had something of pre-___________________  (fill in blank with year-end holiday of your choice) mini-surge of PU sales this month -- three so far @ $19.99 each.


Is this a general trend or merely coincidental? People wanting to make prints for gifts perhaps?







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No PU surge for me, but I was watching a Canadian women's lifestyle show on TV last week, and in the home decorating segment the stylist was recommending you buy holiday images from a stock agency and print them out to add to your home decor  (they suggested another stock company unfortunately).  That's the first time I've seen that suggestion.

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2 hours ago, MariaJ said:

No PU surge for me, but I was watching a Canadian women's lifestyle show on TV last week, and in the home decorating segment the stylist was recommending you buy holiday images from a stock agency and print them out to add to your home decor  (they suggested another stock company unfortunately).  That's the first time I've seen that suggestion.


Interesting. Perhaps the word is getting out (FBFW). I sometimes sell a few prints on a certain POD site before Xmas, but it has been quiet this year.

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2 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

I’d like a surge of any kind, John! Only 4 sales so far. Dribbling in. None with any teeth to them. Just yawners. I think $50 is the best.


Compared to my two other sales -- too low to mention -- this month, the three PU ones actually look good. Bring on the surge...

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