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How many in a batch for a beginner?

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Hi Everybody,


Firstly, I think it's great Alamy has such a tight QC and the contributor interface is brilliant.


As an amateur, having sold regularly on Microstock sites and got up to about 80% acceptance rate, I  felt ready to try Alamy and wondered what a good batch size might be?


100 would be much too big as I'd very probably have 1 or more fail and lose the whole batch... and have to wait 10 days before trying again? To put them up individually seems too small and every time one fails you lose another ten days.


I'd thought 5 might be a good number and when they regualarly  all pass put it up to 10.


What do you think?


Thanks for your help.





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Your initial sub must be 3 images and no more.

After that the batch size doesn't influence your chances- only technical quality does that. My batch size is determined by the subject matter- a day's take, usually, or the results of a processing session. Usually 30-50, but your numbers could be very different.

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If you look at every pic at 100%, check for CA and zap dust-spots, and discard anything that isn't critically sharp (where it ought to be sharp), you'll have no problem with QC, and, therefore, the size of your upload really doesn't matter...

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6 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

Your initial sub must be 3 images and no more.

After that the batch size doesn't influence your chances- only technical quality does that. My batch size is determined by the subject matter- a day's take, usually, or the results of a processing session. Usually 30-50, but your numbers could be very different.


3? When did that change?! 

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The key thing is to aim for a batch size where you know you can inspect each and every image you are going to submit yourself and be sure it is acceptable at 100%. Only them should you make your submission. If you are uncertain about any image then leave it out. For most people in the beginning, small batches of 5 - 15 are a good starting point. It also means that when you come to complete the metadata after passing QC, you can quickly optimise the tags, supertags and other information on each image.

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5 minutes ago, losdemas said:


3? When did that change?! 

A year or two ago? I was corrected on here a while back so I checked just now.

My average for the last couple of years is 27. Batching per subject isn't so relevant now subs appear separately in AIM. But I agree, you can get lost in a huge batch.

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25 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

A year or two ago? I was corrected on here a while back so I checked just now.

My average for the last couple of years is 27. Batching per subject isn't so relevant now subs appear separately in AIM. But I agree, you can get lost in a huge batch.


Blimey, so 'tis! Mind you, no particular reason why I should have known that it had changed.  Thanks for the update.

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I started uploading batches of 5 -10 in the beginning when I was getting quite a few rejections. However I obviously became more proficient with time as the rejections became fewer and fewer so ytyhat now I am uploading batches of 40 - 50 at one time. I think it is a good idea to start small and get to now Alamy;s QC requirements



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14 hours ago, MrB said:


and got up to about 80% acceptance rate



Would not recommend targeting this  with your Alamy uploads - you really want to head for very close to 100%. 

The Alamy QC rules are very objective and should be followed for all images.  

I am always over-critical with my images in all my batches.


I usually upload somewhere between 50 to 100 images per batch and then take time to keyword them. 

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1 hour ago, hdh said:


Would not recommend targeting this  with your Alamy uploads - you really want to head for very close to 100%. 

The Alamy QC rules are very objective and should be followed for all images.  

I am always over-critical with my images in all my batches.


I usually upload somewhere between 50 to 100 images per batch and then take time to keyword them. 

I think MS sites edit for content as well so the figures aren't directly comparable, but you do need a pass rate (in terms of number of submissions) of something like 97% to avoid sanctions for QC failure.

It's all academic until you get through the first QC screening with your 3.

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Yes, it was some time ago that the initial submission went from 4 to 3 but I don't recall an announcement from Alamy of the change. QC will carefully check each of the 3 so at least for that upload you should choose fairly simple well lit balanced shots. Not the time to try your luck with selective focus and adventurous colour balances.


Don't lose sleep about details like how big a batch should be, just get started and you will soon enough find what works for you. Half a dozen well processed well considered shots will work out better than 50 half-baked ideas with daft repeats of similars and ill considered snaps.


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