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Is Alamy Qc affecting News

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34 minutes ago, Niels Quist said:

As far as I remember this should be okay unless your news images are not accepted as news images, but are transferred to your ordinary image queue. Then they will fail with the rest of the uploads,.


I had this happen about five years ago. A single image that I had uploaded as live news was deemed not newsworthy, and I spent 30 days in what used to be lovingly called the "sin bin". 


Have had no such trouble since then, so I guess I learned my lesson.



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36 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:

I had this happen about five years ago. A single image that I had uploaded as live news was deemed not newsworthy, and I spent 30 days in what used to be lovingly called the "sin bin". 


That seems a bit harsh. Personally I think that live news images that are not accepted should just be discarded and not end up in normal QC. By their very nature, they are quite likely to be of lower quality (e.g. dust spots on a lens) that images uploaded as 'stock' because people often upload quickly, directly from the field without spending time removing imperfections in Lightroom/Photoshop/whatever app. People can always re-upload them as stock if they so wish.

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Just now, Matt Ashmore said:


That seems a bit harsh. Personally I think that live news images that are not accepted should just be discarded and not end up in normal QC. By their very nature, they are quite likely to be of lower quality (e.g. dust spots on a lens) that images uploaded as 'stock' because people often upload quickly, directly from the field without spending time removing imperfections in Lightroom/Photoshop/whatever app. People can always re-upload them as stock if they so wish.


I thought it was overly harsh at the time given the looser technical requirements for news images. Not sure if this is still the policy, though, and the original "sin bin" is now history by the sounds of it. It's a kinder an gentler QC now. :D

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4 hours ago, Sultanpepa said:

From what I can remember your suspension doesn't cover news, but don't hold me to that.



The issue is my "upload" button is disabled saying "upload in 10 days".

i just tried using FTP... same issue.

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16 minutes ago, KODAKovic said:


The issue is my "upload" button is disabled saying "upload in 10 days".

i just tried using FTP... same issue.


If the button is disabled then I think you have your answer. Also if you wish a quick answer, you've also had advice. ie. Contact Alamy.

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1 hour ago, John Mitchell said:

All I can say is that in the past, you were able to upload images to Live News while locked out of regular stock uploads. 


Not really correct - the old system had no feature to freeze / lock out uploads.


To the OP - just email news@alamy.com and they can consider unfreezing an account for a news upload. 


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