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Downloading sales history.

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I'm surprised it's taken me this long to ask, but is there a way to download the sales history (the one with thumbnails) in a form that can be pasted into, say, Excel, and annotated?

I print mine out every so often and use a pencil to write down where I've found images, but it seems a bit primitive..

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If there is I haven't found it.  A long time ago I set up a database system, using Lotus Approach, to keep track of my sales and I just copy and paste into that (including the thumbnails).  I can easily find the sales history of any images I've sold, including exactly how much it has earned.  Once it's set up it doesn't take long to add the info.


I did try it with Microsoft Access but, as usual with MS Office software, they seem to over-complicate things - I found Approach much easier.

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I'm surprised it's taken me this long to ask, but is there a way to download the sales history (the one with thumbnails) in a form that can be pasted into, say, Excel, and annotated?

I print mine out every so often and use a pencil to write down where I've found images, but it seems a bit primitive..


Pencil - you're right, it certainly does have a primitive feeling.


Anyway it is possible with a simple copy and paste to do this on a Mac into a Numbers spreadsheet (Apple's own and reasonably decent spreadsheet which came with the Mac). The thumbnails go in the appropriate cells in column 1 and the rest neatly in their own columns. The data works in the Excel (Mac 2008 version) but the thumbnails just sit on top of the data rather than in cells.


Maybe time to trade in the pencil. Life is too short for that. No need to buy any software, just the hardware. The software is free with the Mac.

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I do everything in Excel.  I use the downloadable report to list sales, copy and paste these into a table in Excel and then analyse from there using pivot tables. The sales information from view your Sales History is added to the table by a Concatenation routine within Excel to generate a text string.  Relatively simple - but it works for me.


Edited to add:  The downloadable report generates a CSV file that can be directly opened in Excel to generate a sales table for whatever date range you've set.  After that it's fairly simple to analyse the results using pivot tables and other analysis techniques

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Thanks for the tip, John- pivot tables are very handy, not to answer the question I asked, but for lots of other stuff I used to do by hand. Have a greenie.

Edit- gave you another for enabling me to find out that 1/8 of my sales come from 3 images.

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I'm surprised it's taken me this long to ask, but is there a way to download the sales history (the one with thumbnails) in a form that can be pasted into, say, Excel, and annotated?

I print mine out every so often and use a pencil to write down where I've found images, but it seems a bit primitive..

Oooo! that's a good idea, just tried it and it worked, simply selected the whole area with my mouse, then copied and pasted it into Excel and then adjusted the column widths and heights.


Unfortunately I cant copy it into this editor

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If you just select all the info by turning it blue with the mouse, it will copy and paste into a spreadsheet, even in Windows - but it ends up very messy and takes a lot of editing.


Edit: Ah, but yes, the thumbnails do act a bit strangely....

Didn't see your comment, yeah that's what I did, but I wouldn't say a lot of editing, I'd say a bit of editing i.e. changing the column widths and lengths, it will end up being a big document if you have lots of sales, but It's a goog idea in my opinion

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Thanks for the tip, John- pivot tables are very handy, not to answer the question I asked, but for lots of other stuff I used to do by hand. Have a greenie.

Edit- gave you another for enabling me to find out that 1/8 of my sales come from 3 images.

My pleasure, Mark


I used to enjoy the looks of delight on my trainees faces when I introduced them to pivot tables and they realised how quickly they could analyse complex data.  Just don't forget to refresh them as you add new data.



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Check and see if your computer has Microsoft OneNote on it.  If not, it is a free download.  I was able to copy and paste a year of sales into OneNote, and the images are searchable by alamy image number or your own.  The formatting is also retained.  It is a very simple program to use, and If you have Windows 10 it is already installed.  Here is a little tutorial and more info.  It does require you to establish a Microsoft account.  John

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