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I tried to create a poll today, but this function doesn't seem to have been activated in the new forum. Has anyone else tried to set one up? Perhaps I'm missing something. In the Help section it talks about a "create poll" icon. However, I don't see one in the post window's tool bar.

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Hi John,


It's on the right-hand side - under Poll, click the link Manage Topic Poll.  That'll throw up a dialog box to create your poll.


The "Manage Topic Poll" doesn't work. You can indeed create a poll using the link, but when you click "Finished," the poll disappears into thin air -- i.e. it doesn't get posted. I tried to set one up twice and the same thing happened. Thanks though.

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I don't see the icon at all. Michael Ventura did a poll so we could vote on the last challenge in Let's Talk About Pics". Perhaps he has the secret.



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Hi John,


It's on the right-hand side - under Poll, click the link Manage Topic Poll.  That'll throw up a dialog box to create your poll.


The "Manage Topic Poll" doesn't work. You can indeed create a poll using the link, but when you click "Finished," the poll disappears into thin air -- i.e. it doesn't get posted. I tried to set one up twice and the same thing happened. Thanks though.


I had problems once while setting up a poll. I figured out you have to start with the title and then the rest.





Thanks, it worked.


Oh no! Not another poll!

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  • 3 years later...



I've been trying for the last half hour to create a poll for the October competition and I've tried exactly what is described above in this old post but, when I hit Finished and preview the post, nothing happens - the poll does not appear. I can still access it as long as I don't leave the post but it doesn't appear in the preview. I have started with the title as Arterra suggests but to no avail. Any ideas please?


Never mind - problem solved. The problem was that the poll didn't show up in the preview and I was reluctant to post until I saw it working but I posted in the end and the poll magically appeared. Don't forget to vote - there are some fantastic images in the shortlist.

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I've been trying for the last half hour to create a poll for the October competition and I've tried exactly what is described above in this old post but, when I hit Finished and preview the post, nothing happens - the poll does not appear. I can still access it as long as I don't leave the post but it doesn't appear in the preview. I have started with the title as Arterra suggests but to no avail. Any ideas please?


Never mind - problem solved. The problem was that the poll didn't show up in the preview and I was reluctant to post until I saw it working but I posted in the end and the poll magically appeared. Don't forget to vote - there are some fantastic images in the shortlist.


It works!

Thank you for the hard work!



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I've been trying for the last half hour to create a poll for the October competition and I've tried exactly what is described above in this old post but, when I hit Finished and preview the post, nothing happens - the poll does not appear. I can still access it as long as I don't leave the post but it doesn't appear in the preview. I have started with the title as Arterra suggests but to no avail. Any ideas please?


Never mind - problem solved. The problem was that the poll didn't show up in the preview and I was reluctant to post until I saw it working but I posted in the end and the poll magically appeared. Don't forget to vote - there are some fantastic images in the shortlist.


It works!

Thank you for the hard work!




No problem. It 's been really enjoyable apart from not initially getting the poll to work. I'd encourage all denizens of the forum to check out the shortlisted pictures and vote - there are some really brilliant pictures.

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  • 8 months later...



I'm trying to create a poll for the July Challenge but I can't find a poll icon in the message icons (using Chrome) I can't find a help page either.

After several attempts I tried to log in with Safari but I can't get past CAPTCHA.



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