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I've had another set of pictures rejected for Noise - and the only thing I can find that might be considered noise are black dots on the leaves of the Jak tree behind the rare and pin-sharp monkey.  From picture to picture, there they are, the same black dots on the same position on the same leaves.  So it's not my photo, it's nature.  This isn't the first time I've had rejections for nature's imperfections, so what should I do: touch up the leaves to unrealistic smoothness?

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In the absence of a 100% crop . . .



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I realize how frustrating it can be getting a feel for how to function in Alamy . . . but there are more important things to do before asking for advice in this Forum. 


1.) Read everything Alamy has given as instructions to newcomers:  http://www.alamy.com/contributor/how-to-sell-images/guidelines-for-submitting-images/?section=1 Hopefully you've done that.

2.) Do a search on the Forum Homepage for the subject you're asking about. You'll often find it has been discussed many times before.

3.) With a specific point like yours, contact Members Services.


In this Forum you will get opinions, sure, and some will be helpful. But the opinions that count are those of Alamy Quality Control and Member Services. And as others have pointed out, we must see a 100% enlargement of the image in question even to have an opinion.  http://www.alamy.com/contactus/usa.asp


Good luck, Edo

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I suggest he just posts a 100% crop.


I agree.


If you're going to make public assertions . . .



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