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Please Get Rid of the Red Ticket

Ed Rooney

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It's a trouble maker and no help to anyone. I have no problem with awarding green tickets. 


Ed Rooney

I agree, it's all a bit silly. In fact I don't even notice them now as I sift through posts. A bit like living next to a train line. After a whole you don't even notice the trains passing by.


I feel though that some of the pluses or minuses are given inadvertently by people on tablet devices. Sweeping the screen can often give either up or down to some poor sod's post without even knowing it. I pointed this out soon after the new forum started after I noticed that I had just given a negative to some undeserving contributor (and apologizing after).


I think it needs to go.



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Ed, are you referring to the green and red up and down arrows?  I've not used these and don't really know what they are for?


I am, John. The green and red arrows control our Reputation. I made the post earlier today because someone in another post was taken back by the idea that something he said caused him to get "a red ticket," obviously a metaphor for a football warning. (Several of us in the room at the time voted the guy back up with the green arrow.  ;) )


I actually I like and sometimes use the green vote . . . sort of like applause. Now that I see that Ken agrees with me (about the red) we can say, "from New York to Melbourne people are saying. . . ." 

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I used your above post as a test to see, when red arrow is clicked, if I'm asked to verify that I really want to give it.


Well, I wasn't asked, but now I also realize that there isn't any way to undo the vote.


So, if red arrows are going to stay - when a person clicks one, how about if a verification message appears, such as: "Are you sure you want to give a negative vote? There isn't any way to undo it."




Ed, are you referring to the green and red up and down arrows?  I've not used these and don't really know what they are for?


I am, John. The green and red arrows control our Reputation. I made the post earlier today because someone in another post was taken back by the idea that something he said caused him to get "a red ticket," obviously a metaphor for a football warning. (Several of us in the room at the time voted the guy back up with the green arrow.  ;) )


I actually I like and sometimes use the green vote . . . sort of like applause. Now that I see that Ken agrees with me (about the red) we can say, "from New York to Melbourne people are saying. . . ." 

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I used your above post as a test to see, when red arrow is clicked, if I'm asked to verify that I really want to give it.


Well, I wasn't asked, but now I also realize that there isn't any way to undo the vote.


So, if red arrows are going to stay - when a person clicks one, how about if a verification message appears, such as: "Are you sure you want to give a negative vote? There isn't any way to undo it."




Ed, are you referring to the green and red up and down arrows?  I've not used these and don't really know what they are for?


I am, John. The green and red arrows control our Reputation. I made the post earlier today because someone in another post was taken back by the idea that something he said caused him to get "a red ticket," obviously a metaphor for a football warning. (Several of us in the room at the time voted the guy back up with the green arrow.  ;) )


I actually I like and sometimes use the green vote . . . sort of like applause. Now that I see that Ken agrees with me (about the red) we can say, "from New York to Melbourne people are saying. . . ." 


:-) It's okay, I've cancelled it out with a green one :-)



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While I don't think that we need a red arrow on the forum as it will get abused from time to time, and also as already said is a bit hit and miss when scrolling with a touch screen. The green button which I thought was a bad at the start,  IMO is not a bad idea when used properly when someone's post has been helpful etc rather than points for popular people.


But I do think if the red button is here to stay what  ann has said about a verification message  ( "Are you sure you want to give a negative vote? There isn't any way to undo it."  )   certainly seems like a good idea to me

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I personally don't see a use for a negative button. I think most of the members on here are of a maturity level that they would take and give critisism without having to use a red button. A green button on the other hand, much like a 'like' on FB, is helpful to new members like me. It promotes a level of trust in a reply if a person has a high reputation.

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This topic has been done to death now, please see the 3 page merged post on it here.


It's worth baring in mind that many people have commented that this forum is an all round nicer place to be than our previous forum - it could well be that having the possibility of down voting is contributing to us seeing an increase in the constructive nature of posts being made.


However, as we've said numerous times before now - we will be monitoring the effectiveness of the system and if we feel that the up and down votes are not working then we will change it, and an "up vote" only option would be a possible alternative.

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